In a nutshell, I create order out of chaos. As an administrator, it is my role to take a chaotic group of entities - be they numbers, words, people, objects, ideas, you get the drift - and bring them into some form of logical order which helps those responsible for them to achieve their objectives.
Past, present and future activities include:
sorting out accounting systems which were generating misleading information
creating management accounts to sit alongside formal accounts, but which gave management the information they needed
researching new activities and their regulatory requirements
assisting with the clarification of objectives, and how they might be achieved
management of all aspects of personnel issues from extreme domestic crises to day-to-day squabbles
finding ways to minimise the burden of regulatory constraints
developing communication methods - from stands at country shows, through newsletters, websites, marketing tools, reports, presentations to specialised conferences and events
creation of feasibillity studies, business cases, grant applications, grant claims and just about every other form of report
This sounds pretty dry, until I add that the contexts have ranged from one of the country's larger police forces through to a small but perfectly formed bistro on a Hebridean island. Along the way, I have worked with (in strict alphabetical order) abattoirs, butchers, charities, colleges, conservation bodies, farms large and small, field sports, fish farms, food processing plants, forestry activities, health care providers, IT projects on a national scale, property letting agents, a quarry, rare breed pigs, self-catering establishments, sustainable energy sources, and a tar plant. What a pity I can't add "zoo" to the list - yet!