As you know, your own time is your greatest resource. If you don't have enough of it, you don't get done all those things you ought to do - or that you want to do. So share the burden with me - I've been there myself, and I know I would have liked to have someone like me to take some of the vital stuff off my desk.
The vital stuff? This is the sort of thing I mean:
- knocking a budget into a realistic shape with no loose ends
- building a feasibility study for a bright new idea
- analysing five years of data to get a bigger picture of what has been happening
- exploring a new system or process which might benefit your operation
- writing applications for grants; claiming grant payments; reporting on grant-aided projects
- capturing your vision into a readable, usable document
- documenting your business as it is today for all manner of reasons (for your investors; your customers; yourself; posterity)
- generating the reams of paperwork needed for regulatory compliance
You know that the person you most trust to do these things is yourself. Unfortunately, there comes a time when you simply cannot do everything. I know that when I was at my most hard-pressed, I yearned to be able to clone myself. So....
...if I am the person I could have used in those busy times, maybe I could be that person for you?
Wander through this site to find out where I have come from, and the sort of things I have done in the past, present ... and future. If you think you could benefit from my services, get in touch with me so that we can talk through the possibilities.