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Zhongguo Xue

The Aberdeen Chinese Studies Group (CSG) was founded on 2 May 1989 by scholars of the University of Aberdeen with the aims of developing the inter-disciplinary study and discussion, on an academic and strictly non-political basis, of all aspects of Chinese social, political, economic and cultural development. The CSG also aims to encourage and establish links with other educational establishments, members of the public, local organisations and the local business community having personal, educational or business interests in China.

The main activity of the group is the organization of talks or seminars, which may be held jointly with other Studies Groups, with Academic Departments, University affiliated institutes or with public organisations whose aims are compatible with those of the CSG.

Membership is open to Staff, Undergraduates and Postgraduates of the University of Aberdeen as well as people outside the University sharing the Group's aims. The group is run by a Committee  including an Honorary President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Registered students of the University of Aberdeen can join for free, and academic events organized by the group are also free. However, there is an annual membership charge for staff and members of the public (currently £10), which helps to meet our running costs. Funds belonging to the CSG are held in an established bank and may only be used in the pursuance of aims of the CSG.

A general meeting is held once a year. The Committee meets on a regular basis. For further details, see the Aberdeen Chinese Studies Group Constitution.


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