
Shamanic Snake Staff!......Ness Top Finds…..BBC Pics of Scotland….  

by Bernie Bell - 09:39 on 14 December 2024


Shamanic Snake Staff!.....


From ‘Woodlarking’…


“Ancient Mystery: 4,400-Year-Old Shamanic Snake Staff Discovered in Finnish Marshland

In an extraordinary archaeological find, a wooden staff, aged 4,400 years and intricately carved to look like a snake, has been discovered in a wetland area of southwest Finland. This ancient piece, highlighted in a recent article in the journal Antiquity, provides a unique insight into Neolithic spiritual rituals and emphasizes the urgent danger posed to such priceless artifacts by environmental decline.



A couple of my  tuppenceworths re. snake-lore……








Ness Top Finds….


…of 2024…..










BBC Pics. of Scotland…..


6th – 13 December 2024……


Frost!  And Paddington…..





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