
It’s Getting Nearer……‘Why I Dare Not Ask You Out’….. A Word About Ragwort…  

by Bernie Bell - 08:10 on 15 August 2024


It’s Getting Nearer….

And I quote…

“A marvellous, and touching, video from Orkney.com, outlining the Ness as we approach the end of the project’s excavation phase”…..


Spot The Jeanne!




Well, well, well…….


 Why I Dare Not Ask You Out’…..

Would our love be like a meteor,
a flare of beauty across the sky
that's gone for ever?

Would our love be like a meteorite,
a hunk of iron fallen from above,
smashing homes and families?

Or would our love be like an asteroid,
a blinding collision of primal forces,
heedless of our impact on the planet,

destroying it with passion?

(For the Living Poetry Monday Prompt, the Perseid Meteor Shower

and my Lady of the Cool Waters.)




A Word About Ragwort…

Ragwort has an attractive flower.....



But if it’s cut and dried and fed to animals, it can be very harmful indeed. 

So we leave them to flower in the meadow, but as soon as the flowers start to ‘go over’

we pull it….

…and bin it.

It’s then safe to strim our meadow in the Autumn and send the grass to our neighbour for his pigs – everybody’s happy and no harm done!


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