
Stunning Finds At Skaill Farm….And The Ness…..’Hobbits’……’It’s Chriiiiistmaaaas!!!!’…..

by Bernie Bell - 09:11 on 14 August 2024


Stunning Finds At Skaill Farm….

As often happens – very exciting/interesting finds towards the end of a dig…



And The Ness….

Get it while you can…

A wet start - then lots of interest, including possible anvil stone and a bone-breaker!...


Finding objects such as these gives us a better picture of the lives of the people who lived and worked at The Ness – it all helps to build the picture – fit pieces into the puzzle.

And then……



The coloured stone reminded me of something I wrote years ago...

"Picture it.....Ness of Brodgar.....Mid-summer's Eve, around 3,000 B.C.  A group of work-men and artists have toiled all night putting the finishing touches to the building which is destined to be 'The OrkneyTwilight Home for Bewildered Shamen.'  Just as dawn breaks a clear shaft of light streams down the entrance passageway illuminating the brightly coloured wall carvings and paintings which the workmen have prepared for the delectation of the 'Old Dears'. 

One workman turns to the other and says......."Cor blimey - would ya' look at that?!!!  Would ya' Adam & Eve it?  Straight down the corridor, lights the place up something lovely, just as though we'd planned it or something!  Wait 'til I tell me missus about it, she'll have to come and see this."

Esoteric knowledge? Nahhh, pure chance.  (I don't know why the workman is a cockney - but folk did come from a long way to visit the Ness as it was known, nation-wide, as the best facility for Bewildered Shamen in the country!)"




That caught your attention!....




’It’s Chriiiiistmaaaas!!!!’…..

Not quite – but we received our first Christmas catalogue yesterday  - from Dog’s Trust…


We always get some cards from them – Dogs Trust is A GOOD THING.



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