
Of The Earth….BBC Pics Of Scotland…..From the RSPB…

by Bernie Bell - 07:23 on 23 June 2024


Of The Earth….


I very, very much want to see this exhibition – but I’ll wait until it’s in the ‘Ship O’ Fools’ Gallery, Kirkwall 5th – 12th September – likely to not be as crowded as the Maes Howe Visitor Centre!

The images in this piece remind me of the cross-sections of deposits found at the Ness of Brodgar…


While on the subject of the NoB…


And…it occurred to me that, when the dig first started, the diggers threw earth & stones onto the spoil heap before they realised that, sometimes, markings can only be seen in certain light or when the stone is wet. 

When the spoil heap is dismantled and used to fill in the site at the end of this season’s dig, the archaeologists will get down to the material that was dumped there right at the start of the dig, and they might find some stones with markings which weren’t noticed before folk started looking as closely as they did as the dig progressed.

And – the spoil heap being cleared away will leave that area ready for whoever comes along next to start digging again – and find what’s there.

I won’t be here to see it – but I like to think about it.

See section entitled…’Thinking About Bones - Again’…



BBC Pics of Scotland…

15th – 21st June 2024….

There are some absolute stunners in this selection – take a look…



From the RSPB…

Swift Awareness Week, Saturday 29 June – Sunday 7 July

Later this month, you can celebrate these avian acrobats with a week of walks and talks around the UK – find out if there’s a Swift event near you!

Check out our brand-new short film to see how people are helping Swifts and learn more about their epic migrations.

 Swifts on screen 

In case you missed it: Your Say

Read thoughts and wildlife sightings from other RSPB members. Hazel has a home for Hedgehogs, Nigel’s got a reason to smile and we meet Catherine’s Robin. And plenty of you have noticed Blackbirds fishing for newts (and a frog) in your back gardens!

 Readers’ letters 

Hoopoes in the UK

A pair of Hoopoes successfully raised chicks in the UK last year. Often reaching our shores by accident, could we see more of these striking birds nesting here as the climate changes?

Find out in this article written exclusively for digital magazine readers (and watch a Hoopoe making its distinctive oop-oop-oop call!).

Hoopoe fact and fiction 

“Nothing does stillness like a heron. Statues go to them for advice.”
Lev Parikian, Birds are Dinosaurs

T.rex to Tree Sparrows: Birds are dinosaurs?

Enjoy Lev Parikian’s look at the evolution of birds in this special feature and discover what we can learn from looking at a fossil of an Archaeopteryx.

You can also get an exclusive glimpse behind-the-scenes at some of the birds which feature in the Natural History Museum’s current Birds: Brilliant and Bizarre exhibition in a video with Senior Curator, Jo Cooper.

Awesome adaptations

Birdfair, Friday 12 – Sunday 14 July

The RSPB will be at Global Birdfair - the annual celebration of birds, giving talks on albatrosses, Ringed Plovers (like the one in the photo above), Turtle Doves and more!

 Be Birdfair-ready 

Watch the migration webinars

As a thank you to our members, the RSPB ran a series of four free webinars about bird migration with experts from across the RSPB and BirdLife Partners. You can watch the recordings of these sessions here – so grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy!

Find out which bird hangs out with Highland cattle here in summer and follows forest elephants in winter, how you can help Swifts and how Lundy Island got its name.

Extraordinary journeys 

Peatland explained

Home to Hen Harriers, Curlews, Golden Plovers (pictured) and more – peatland is an important habitat for wildlife. And it also plays a crucial part in dealing with the climate crisis. Watch this easy guide to learn more about this precious habitat and why it needs your help.

 Why peat is precious 

Birds’ nests guide

Learn to identify four common birds’ nests: Blackbird, Goldcrest (photo above), Goldfinch and Long-tailed Tit.

 Nest ID 







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