
From ‘Money Rebellion’…. A NEW TRENCH AT THE NOB!....Rain Stopped Play….

by Bernie Bell - 07:50 on 19 June 2024


From ‘Money Rebellion’….

When I got my first Student Grant – back in the days when such things existed – I put my money in Barclays Bank.  I then learnt of their support for apartheid in South Africa, and changed who I banked with. 

Looks like there’s something intrinsically rotten in the state of Barclays. 

I received the following from ‘Money Rebellion’…..  https://extinctionrebellion.uk/act-now/resources/money-rebellion/

“Over the past few months, we've seen some amazing joint organising around climate justice and Palestine solidarity. Festivals like Hay, Edinburgh, Latitude, Download and the Isle of Wight, have all ditched sponsors over their funding of climate breakdown and the genocide in Palestine.

In the Guardian on Friday, the Barclays CEO was given an op-ed where he sought to split the Palestine and Climate Justice movements, stand up for arms companies complicit in the genocide in Gaza, and spin the banks dismal climate record.

We're building a united response to his cynical tactics

We want a cross-movement response to be published in the Guardian. Sign our open letter to add your name to the call https://forms.gle/ybnKBgtMuaRRZWzd8

Please share with other groups and people.

Together we are building an unstoppable movement, united to stop Barclays’ funding destruction.

Love & Rage, Money Rebellion



Last dig season at the Ness of Brodgar - and a new trench will be opened! Well – kind-of new-kind-of-re-opened – read on….



NoB Newsletter No. 42…..


We have a wooden petrosphere by Michael Sinclair……

…..who makes truly wonder-full things…




Rain Stopped Play….

..at The Cairns…


…but only for a day.




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