
Trench T…..More Of Simon’s Holiday…..From The RSPB….The Cairns……

by Bernie Bell - 09:14 on 15 June 2024


Trench T…..


All Together Now…..

‘Trend T Trench T Trench T Trench T…..etc…’



More Of Simon’s Holiday…


What Simon says about the tower blocks of East Berlin strikes a chord.  That was pretty much how many of the people in Britain who lived in back-to-back, two-up-two-down terraces with a toilet at the end of the yard felt about moving into a nice clean warm easy-to-care-for flat. I can vouch for this being the case, as one of my Aunties lived in a back-to-back etc , and was pleased as punch to be placed in a tower block.

I don’t know if it was a common policy, but in Bradford when the folk were moved out of the terrace where my Auntie was, the Council did their best to place neighbours together again, and Auntie Mary was placed with quite a few of her old friends.

It worked – for a time - then Society changed and problems developed. 

I speak of this from experience, or rather, the experience of my Auntie and her neighbours – not from reading about it for a Sociology Degree or as part of a course in Urban Planning. 

The tower blocks worked as what they were at the time when they were built.  Those who blithely condemn them, should turn on their imagination and picture what life was like for folk before they moved into them.

Some weren’t so pleased - I’m thinking of a song which goes...



A feller from the Corpy, just out of planning school,
Has told us that we've got to move right out of Liverpool.
They're moving us to Kirkby to Skelmersdale and Speke,
But we want to stay where we used to play in Back Buchanan Street,

CHORUS; Don't want to go to Kirkby, don’t want to go to Speke,
Don't want to go from all I know in Back Buchanan Street.

(I'll miss the) pub around the corner, with the parlour painted red,
Likewise the green goddesses, likewise the Overhead.
And lots of other little things, like putting out the cat,
Cause there's no back door on the 14th floor of a corpy Tower-block flat.

I'll miss the Mary Ellens, Me Dad'll miss the docks.
Me Gran'll miss the wash-house where she washed me grandad's socks
They've pulled down Paddy's Market, where me Ma once had a stall,
And soon their picks & shovels will be through our backyard wall.

From Bootle to the Dingle, you can hear the same old cry,
"Stop mucking round with Liverpool, at least until I die".



From The RSPB….

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The Cairns…




It took me a while to see why there are all those ‘Team’ references – I have zero interest in football!



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