
The Huntscarth Clothing……The Fibonacci Sequence….It's Still With Us...

by Bernie Bell - 08:06 on 21 February 2024

The Huntscarth Clothing……

My chum, Bartholomew Barker…..https://bartbarkerpoet.com/  ….lives in America….

He emailed to say….

“Do you know the poet Lydia Harris who lives on Westray?”

I replied…

I can’t say I know Lydia Harris, but I do know of her – she was mentioned in a piece which I wrote an introduction to…


Please also read the comments – apparently folk don’t always.

If you follow the links to this…


…you might be interested to read what I wrote to Tom (Muir) about the child’s clothing…

“I have the idea that the child was illegitimate, but was being reared with love. It was working out OK, but then – he died, and the Bigwigs of the Parish refused burial in the Kirkyard (Betty Corrigall comes to mind). So, he was buried where he was - with care and love, with his mother’s shawl and his father’s bonnet.

I am puzzled that his father is involved - why didn’t they get married?  Was the man who laid his bonnet over the child, maybe not his ‘natural’ father, but a good man who cared for the mother and child, regardless of actual paternity?  I don’t know – but his parents buried him, as they did.

I should imagine that they buried him near to their own home – so – maybe he ‘belongs’ to one of the near-by houses?  It might be hard to find him in the Parish records though – as they were so hard on children who weren’t ‘legitimate’.  What a nonsense word - how can a human being, not be ‘legitimate’?  Don’t worry, I won’t start ranting at you about the iniquities of officialdom!

It’s tempting to say “Poor wee mite” - but he wasn’t - he was being reared with love and care, then he was taken.

Notice how many times the words ‘care’ and ‘love’ come into this tale.

There it is – what came to me.”

Betty Corrigall?....



The Fibonacci Sequence….

I saw this film on the FB page of friend Elizabeth…


…’shared’ it to my FB page and sent it separately to friend Howie, who responded thus…

“This is absolutely extraordinary! I had never known about this before.

This is incredible to see mammals creating a Fibonacci spiral. I am going to follow this up. It is just amazing!”

And I answered….

“I told Mike about your comment re. mammals making a Fibonacci sequence being a rare thing - and it is.  Spirals are everywhere in nature, and humans use spirals in art – but I couldn’t think of another example of a mammal making a Fibonacci spiral, with a purpose.   What occurred to Mike was – a watch spring. Most springs are a helix – but a watch spring  follows the Fibonacci sequence, to a purpose.

This idea just grows and grows.”

That’s the great thing about ideas – they grow!

Whilst on the subject of spirals…



It’s Still With Us…

Mike felt unwell – took a Covid test this morning - which is positive.

The Fates are hard – after 4 years of being very careful – we’d just started to go among people – lunch in cafés - into shops.

 Mike’s big concern is me catching  it – for obvious reasons.  My big concern – is Mike!  He’s not very unwell – and we’re going to just have to be very cautious and …….deal with it.

A well-wisher wrote…

“It is very definitely still about. At least you are both fully vaccinated which is good.”

To which I replied…

 “Well – Mike wasn’t ‘allowed’ a vaccination this year – being old and manky I was – he wasn’t.  He had a ‘flu jab – not Covid.

I’m trying hard not to get very angry about that – we went through the anger at the time when he was told he couldn’t have a Covid jab – though he explained the implications of the possibility of me catching it from him.

On with the day – masks – hand gel – stepping back in time.”



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