
Many Groovy Gifts (?) From The NOB Shop!!!....... Life…

by Bernie Bell - 09:31 on 13 November 2023


Many Groovy Gifts (?) From The NOB Shop!!!.......


We have a ceramic tea-light holder made by Robin Palmer which was inspired by the ripples in the sand on Aikerness Beach. Aikerness Beach is just up the road from where we live – we stayed near there on our first holiday to Orkney and it’s still one of our favourite walks. 

Also - I have a liking for ripple-rock – when the ripples in the sand of a lake or ocean, become set in stone.

So this little tea-light holder, holds associations for us.  It’s not smooth ceramic – it has a rough, ‘sandy’ surface. 

It’s a good thing.



We went for a walk at the Sands O’ Wright…..



….where we saw maybe 6 Long-tailed Ducks on the water – hard to tell how many as they were busy diving, coming up for air, diving again.  Such smart little birds.

I picked up two little multi-coloured sticks…



….which reminded me of the figures in Robinson R.R.’s ‘boat people’ sculptures, so I thought I’d remind folk of his work...


This is particularly timely as is an investigation is taking place into the drowning of over 30 people from the sinking of a small boat in 2021….


It’s still happening – people are still chancing their lives in the hope of a better life, but what happens to them doesn’t hit the headlines as much as The Media moves on to whatever is considered to be more newsworthy.  Unfortunately, there is so much amiss in the world right now that there are many things which take precedence over the plight of migrants.


After walking at the Sands O’ Wright we parked in the small car park for Hoxa Head, just past the Hoxa Tapestry Galley, to eat our sandwiches.…


We watched a Short-eared Owl quartering  the field in front of us, and a small flock of maybe 6 Long-tailed Tits flitting along through the line of bushes by the road.  We were delighted, as we haven’t seen Long-tailed Tits since we left Suffolk 17 years ago, weren’t aware of their presence in Orkney - and I have a soft spot for Long-tailed Tits – ‘cute’ is the only word that fits.

Driving back down the road, in a nearby field we saw about 8 young, brown Pheasants, with 3 colourful males in attendance.

Farther along , a female Hen Harrier having a bit of a barny with a Hoodie ( Crow, that is!). 

And then, as we drove down the road towards the Bay, there was a broad, bright rainbow which flowed neatly into the broch by the Dam O’ Hoxa!


This might come across as a bit of a jumble of things – but that’s life – a day in our life and in the life of the wider world.


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2022/04/27/contradictions-part-five/

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