
Eynhallow Stories & Memories….. Will This Make a Difference?.....PEEDIE CHIPPIE IS BACK!!!....

by Bernie Bell - 09:06 on 21 September 2023


Eynhallow Stories and Memories...

I read the following on the Orkney Archaeology Society Facebook page…https://en-gb.facebook.com/OrkneyArchaeologySociety/


BBC Radio Orkney

As you may have heard on this morning’s Around Orkney, local artist Frances Scott is looking for your memories, stories and thoughts about Eynhallow.

It’s part of a project for Historic Environment Scotland, which will see her create a mind map of the island - see a previous example from Rousay below.

If you’ve got something you want to share, you can get in touch with Frances on 07743741980 or on frances.a.scott@gmail.com (by the end of the month).”

I contacted Frances to say….

“I read on the OAS Facebook page that you’re looking for Eynhallow stories/memories?

This one is partly the story of my visit to Eynhallow, but mostly the story of the lad who sailed away…


You might be able to contact the family I mention.  I’m afraid I don’t know the name of the man we were talking with – but a call- out on Radio Orkney, or in ‘The Orkney News’ and ‘Orcadian’ might produce results?

Here’s another one which might be of interest…


This is a worthwhile project, and I look forward to seeing the outcome of it.

Good Hunting!”


Will This Make a Difference?...


Somehow, the significance of the site appears to be getting lost…


Yet, at the same time….







Here’s one I made earlier… https://theorkneynews.scot/2022/01/28/a-short-walk-with-long-views/


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