
Mostly Archaeological……Helping Wildlife….

by Bernie Bell - 09:26 on 19 July 2023


Mostly Archaeological….

Just for a change!!!!  Here goes…..

Exactly what the title says it is….


It looks like both Rousay sites are plagued by flies – Swandro has a Cleg problem, and ‘flies’ are mentioned at Skaill.  I don’t know if it works on Clegs (does anything deter Clegs?), but Skin-so-soft does deter midges.  Unlikely as it may seem, this was recommend to me by a farmer who wasn’t bothered about having soft skin, but was very bothered by midges…


Sorry about the intrusive adverts. – ‘nowt I can do about them!


And on - to Swandro – Holy Moly – it’s a year for finding  holy stones…….



The Orkney Archaeology Hat-trick –

At The Ness of Brodgar – The Willamette’s arrive - and bumble bees find a home….


When Mike went to clear last year’s fallow patch of semi-rotted vegetation to start on this year’s mixed veg patch – he found that bumble bees are nesting there – so he’ll work round where they are and leave them to it.  Mike says they’re White-tailed Bumble Bees – I just make coo-ing noises!

For my previous bumblings about bees - see the ’comments’….


Back to the archaeology….the Ness blog goes down the drain…



Helping Wildlife….

On the subject of helping wildlife….I received this from ‘Wild Justice’ - https://wildjustice.org.uk/ …..

“Good morning!

Today sees the launch of a major campaign by over 70 wildlife and countryside organisations aimed at the political parties ahead of the next UK general election. Politicians need to know that wildlife matters to you. Please add your voice to #Nature2030 today - click here

In England, there is a legally binding commitment on this and future governments to stop wildlife declines by 2030. You helped secure that commitment back in spring 2021 - you really did. Despite the tiny size of Wild Justice, our supporters contributed tens of thousands of signatures to the e-action that led to change. It's time to follow through on that to influence politicians ahead of the next general election. Although the legally binding commitment applies to England we ask all of our supporters, wherever they live, to sign the petition - you'll be doing English wildlife a favour and the strength of response will be noticed by decision makers across the UK. 

The five priority areas are:

  1. A pay rise for nature and farmers: double the nature-friendly farming budget
  2. Make polluters pay: require polluting big businesses to deliver environmental improvements
  3. More space for nature by 2030: restore wildlife-rich sites and create a Public Nature Estate
  4. Deliver green jobs: create a National Nature Service for habitat restoration 
  5. A right to a healthy environment: establish a human right to clean air and water and access to nature

Wild Justice is very happy to be part of this campaign and we hope we might be the first organisation to ask for your support. We'll remind you of the petition as the campaign gains momentum through the summer, but today you can be one of the people to get it off to a strong start.

Please add your voice on Day 1 of this campaign - sign here.

Thank you!

Wild Justice (Directors: Mark Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay).

PS Another way that you can help is to forward this email widely to your friends and relatives and encourage them to sign too, and then maybe they will send it on to others...  Thank you.


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/07/16/on-being-true-to-what-you-are-and-can-be/



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