‘The Secret Life of Pets’….. Pics of Scotland…. And A Film From Ireland….’In the Shifting Embrace of the Ganga’…. Face Masks..….
by Bernie Bell - 09:01 on 15 May 2023
‘The Secret Life of Pets’…
Could be straight from the film…..
…which is one of my favourites…
“Mommy – can I have a bunny, and pig, and lizard and alligator?”
Pics of Scotland…
5th to 12th of May 2023…
Good to see Unstan Cairn in there….
And A Film From Ireland….
From ‘Emergence’Magazine….
In the Shifting Embrace of the Ganga
by Arati Kumar-Rao
“I trail my hand in her waters to feel, in a visceral way, her unstoppable power, her speed, spontaneity, playfulness, willfulness, her life-giving benevolence and her devastating waywardness.”
“Born high in the Himalayan mountains, the Ganga, India’s holiest river, delivers over a quarter of the nation’s lifegiving freshwater, depositing rich silt across the basin’s plains before spilling into the Bay of Bengal. The delta, made up of hundreds of entwined distributaries, is home to some 130 million people whose lives depend on the agricultural land the Ganga fertilizes. But the river can be as much a threat to livelihoods as she is a source of them: her wayward course shifts constantly with the seasons, uprooting the human communities who live along her banks.
Writer and photographer Arati Kumar-Rao has spent years documenting human migration in the delta region. In this expansive essay accompanied by her original photography, she travels to the village of Panchanandapur during monsoon season to visit the precarious settlements on the river’s silt islands. Tracing the Ganga’s braided history, ecology, and mythology, Arati bears witness to the ways in which the wild, willful Ganga charts her own course.”
Face Masks….
News from NHS Orkney…
“Important changes to face mask guidance from 16 May 2023
The national guidance that has required the continued wearing of face masks and face coverings across health and social care settings is being withdrawn on Tuesday 16 May 2023.
From this date, staff in health and social care are no longer required to wear face masks and will revert to pre-pandemic measures.
Patients attending healthcare facilities will no longer be required to wear a face mask for care interactions, however, if you wish to, face masks will still be available at the entrance to departments in the next period. Alternatively, you can bring your own face covering if this is your preference.
This change in guidance reflects the success of the Covid vaccination programme. We would like to thank everyone for your continued support throughout the pandemic.
We would like to remind all visitors not to attend health and social care settings if they are unwell or experiencing any symptoms of infection, such as, flu-like symptoms, cough, or diarrhoea.”
The choice is yours….
Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/04/28/raising-a-big-question-mark-over-horse-racing/
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