My Friend Wendy…..Hedgehog Stories…… Mr. Potato Head….
by Bernie Bell - 09:27 on 05 May 2023
My Friend Wendy…
Writes poetry which catches the place, the feel – the LIFE…
Pass crusted lichen
stone walls,
balanced brokenly
over bluebells beneath,
marsh marigolds
swathe rough turf,
from sheep grazed field
to shore,
the glug and suck
of the sea,
softly pulls,
close by
just here
Step carefully
pink grey patterned
rich red drying
of the sea,
still waters
lap and gurgle,
around rock pools
rarely revealed
on a large stone
outstretched wide
all this
Wendy Alford 2nd May 2023
Hedgehog Stories……
And a belated Happy Birthday to Chris Packham - I received this yesterday from Hugh Warwick….
“Hedgehog Awareness - and a Happy Birthday
As you well know by now, it is Hedgehog Awareness Week - a great opportunity to help hedgehogs (though I am sure you are all doing that all the time!) But this is an update to alert you to another bit of Hedgehog Awareness ....
…..In Bristol there is a garden room - in which is a great big bean bag - on top of which was another cushion. It is with good fortune that yesterday afternoon the person who was about to sit on the bean bag moved the other cushion first ... revealing a snoozing hedgehog!
This is not the first story of a hedgehog making itself comfortable among the soft furnishings ... I met someone at an event a while back who showed me the photo of the hog who had woken him by knocking on his bedroom door (first floor) - it had been a hot day and he had left the backdoor open. He relocated his visitor - and when he went to his attic office the next morning he found the hog had made it up another flight of stairs, leaving a 'contribution' under his desk!
You know, this would have probably been a more popular update if I had used a photo of the birthday boy ... for today Chris Packham's day - and all he wants is some help ...
The last time I visited his New Forest home the final touches to his new gates were being completed - as the last lot had been subject to a very dramatic arson attack - this was not the work of a random individual but someone who knew what they were doing. He has been in receipt of many threats - death threats and threats of violence that he has been advised to treat seriously. Though I got the feeling the threats to kill his beloved dogs Sid and Nancy were even more upsetting.
With this as background, and in response to specific falsehoods, Chris has launched a defamation case against the editor and two contributors to Country Squire Magazine, now happening in the High Court in London. His friend and colleague, Ruth Tingay, has set up a fundraiser to help cover some of the costs of this action - and my birthday gift to Chris is to ask as many of you who are able to help him! The link to the fundraising page gives you far more details of the case.
Wishing you all a lovely spring day (hopefully!)”
Nostalgia note from me – Sid & Nancy….
Mr. Potato Head….
I read this article in The Orkney News…
I had a Mr Potato head when I was a child - and I loved it. It was one of the originals, containing just the bits & pieces, and I didn’t just stick the bits in potatoes – I stuck them in just about anything I thought might look funny.
Re- branded to be gender-neutral? It’s a potato!
Here's a thing...if you go to the Balfour hospital and walk round to the left of the main reception desk, and look down to your right through the windows of the office - there are three Mr. Potato Heads standing in a row.
Here they are….
Here’s one I made earlier…
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