Where’s Ian?.....Decline of Windermere Arctic Charr……Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Booklet….. That Footprint…
by Bernie Bell - 09:56 on 31 March 2023
Where’s Ian?.....
I was wondering where Ian Marchant had got to with The Marchant Macmillan Pie Appeal, as mentioned here….
…where I also wondered what his next book was going to be about.
I checked his blog - which answered both questions…..
“Prepare to be transported back to 18th- century England in ‘One Fine Day’ by Ian Marchant’. A time-travelling, genealogical adventure that brings rural England vividly to life.”
‘Nuff said.
And, a word from the man himself re. how to acquire the book… https://twitter.com/ThatIanMarchant/status/1634608679205974018?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Escreen-name%3AThatIanMarchant%7Ctwcon%5Es1
We’ll be ordering our copy from Stromness Books & Prints - https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/06/21/stromness-book-shop-scotlands-only-drive-in-book-shop/ - a new, well written book is a gift. An old favourite, re-read, fills a gap – but a new one is…something else.
Decline of Windermere Arctic Charr…
An email from Matt Staniek
29 MAR 2023 —
“Climate change and pollution of England’s largest lake in the Lake District world heritage site is looking like it’s going to wipe out the Arctic Charr. A culturally significant practice gone forever. Feel free to email UNESCO as fishing contributed to the Lake District becoming a Unesco World Heritage Site in 2017.”
Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Booklet…..
This looks dead good –
“The 20-page booklet features up-to-date information on all the islands’ main archaeological and historical sites as well as a bibliography and links for further reading.”
….and it’s FREE TO DOWNLOAD!
That Footprint…
…is still there…
We leave our mark…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/08/25/the-amazing-mosquito-migration/
Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/08/26/revealing-the-cairns-part-one/
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