
The Ness of Brodgar…..‘Colour Coding Hydrogen’…. Murmuration….

by Bernie Bell - 07:35 on 03 March 2023

The Ness of Brodgar….

The Tour Guides at the Ness have been presented with a prestigious award…  https://www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk/tour-guide-award/

The place is a wonder – what’s found there is a wonder – the work done on and based around what’s found, is a wonder. 

The Guides explain what is currently happening on site and what has previously been discovered, and are a direct point of contact for the thousands of visitors who come each year.  They help to make sense of what could be a slightly confusing site as it’s large, getting larger and there is a lot to comprehend about what is presented to the visitor.  The information boards are excellent, but don’t give the ‘over-view’ provided by the Guides.

Some folk come year after year and have a good idea of what has already been excavated, for some it’s a new and possibly once in a life-time experience – which is where the information and opportunity to ask questions provided by the Guides is in-valuable…..


I’ve followed developments at the Ness with great interest through the years…..





And, bringing it bang up to date….


I have a sightly wistful feeling for the early days when it was a little dig in a field,  but things move on and take off and the dig at the Ness has certainly done that!   What will be discovered this year?

Digging will resume at the Ness of Brodgar this summer…..


See you there – having a tour with one of the Guides!



Needs must....



‘Colour Coding Hydrogen’….

Steve Drury writes of …colour coding hydrogen…




There’s always room for a murmuration….


And a poem by Wendy…


The Strangeness of Starlings


Darkly sifting cloud

of starlings

swells and swirls,

like a swarm

of benign bees.


Diving beneath

bridge’s arch,

to climb and dip,

dissolve into

tops of trees.


Distant screaming,

screeching, singing,

silent, now,

stark, surreal,

it seems


like falling


the spaces


my dreams.


Wendy Alford    October 2010


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2020/02/24/changing-places/


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