
Dawn……Back To ‘Emergence’ Pieces From Last Year……Earthlogs….Next In The Ness Top 10…Waste not….

by Bernie Bell - 09:43 on 03 January 2023


It’s a new dawn…it’s a new day…it’s a new year….

Hares of fire leap across the sky…..



by Ann Hamilton

“Living with the Unknown opens with the series fallen, a collaboration with internationally acclaimed artist Ann Hamilton. Her collection of found leaves elicits our quiet attention, inviting us to behold that which is overlooked. “




Exactly what Steve says it is…..



Paved Area In The Ness Complex….

Paving – as is needed anywhere where a lot of folk gather in wetter climes……


I’m reminded of the paved forecourt in front of the entrance and walkway round Structure Ten….


And….my tuppenceworth….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2018/05/05/re-the-boyne-to-brodgar-programme-iii/


Waste not…

And how creative was Mike today…?

Today, I have mainly been creative with left-overs – some mashed potato, a mélange of vegetables, and a small piece of a vegan Kyiv (mushroomy substance, breadcrumbs and garlicky-buttery-stuff).  Excess mashed potato is always a good resource for patties, fish-cakes and the like.  This time it was fish-cakes.  I put a medium-sized haddock fillet in a buttered, lidded oven dish, and placed this in the oven at 200°C for about 15 minutes until the fish was white and flaky.  There was a little buttery/fishy juice left in the dish - too wet for the fish cakes, but too good to waste, so I drank it! 

The flaked fish was then mixed with the left-over mash together with the Kyiv, chopped-up very small, parsley and a light seasoning of salt and ground black pepper.  This mixture was then shaped into four patties, placed on a greased oven tray and baked for about 15 minutes (200°C again), turning once, until heated through and slightly crisped on the outside.  The patties were then finished off in a frying pan over a high heat to brown on both sides.  Meanwhile, the vegetable mixture (peas, cabbage, green beans, carrots and sweetcorn) was steamed in a colander to heat through.  A little bit of tomato ketchup on the fish-cakes, a bit of marge and salt on the veg – a really nice, light tea,  appealing to our frugal hearts!


Here’s one I made earlier…….  https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/08/12/the-joy-of-fishing-floats/


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