
More From ‘Emergence’…… Covid & China…..Politic-Speak/Robot-Speak……

by Bernie Bell - 09:39 on 28 December 2022

More From ‘Emergence’…

The Eternal Tree

by Jori Lewis

"Venturing out from her urban home in Senegal, Jori Lewis is drawn to the wisdom and resiliency of Africa’s baobab trees: ancient arks of biodiversity that have migrated across the landscape, enduring for millennia."



Covid & China….

The Government of China doesn’t appear to understand that we are all part of one world and that what one nation does can affect other nations.

Covid is now rife again in China, yet from the 8th of January 2023, the Government will lift the quarantine regulations for people arriving there.

So, people can travel to China, presumably travel about there if they wish to, then go home again - potentially taking Covid with them.

And, of course, relaxed restrictions means that folk can travel from China to anywhere that will accept them.

My first response was to think that no-one would be foolish enough to travel to or from China in the present circumstances - but they will - because people are defiantly behaving as though the Covid Pandemic is over and they can go back to living as ‘normal’.  But it isn’t, and they can’t.

There seems to be an idea that it doesn’t matter so much if you catch it now - that it’s just like the ‘flu and you’ll get over it – and for many people that is the case.

On the other hand, I personally know people who had Covid months ago and who are still struggling – the main problem being lack of energy which limits their lives.  Extend that out to the whole population of Britain - and of the world - and Covid is definitely still a major problem affecting the lives of populations and the strength of nations.

I wondered if there was any point in my writing this as the global tendency to denial is so strong – but to quote Maxi Jazz…. “In-action is a weapon of mass destruction.”


I’m not saying I entirely trust BBC reportage – but – even if only part of this is correct – where are we going as a species?



While I’m looking at the BBC News website…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64053550

And I quote…. “The chatbot is still being developed and its creators acknowledge its limitations including using "plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers" and being "excessively verbose".

I’m saying ‘nowt.


Here’s one I made earlier…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2019/08/21/poetry-corner-the-cairns-sleeps/



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