The Pier Arts Centre Christmas Exhibition!!!
by Bernie Bell - 09:21 on 04 December 2022
The Pier Arts Centre Christmas Exhibition!!!
There aren’t many things I’ve been sorry to miss due to being Covid Careful - one thing I have missed is the annual Pier Arts Centre Christmas Exhibition. Usually, each year we go along and there are some extra-ordinarily good things, plenty of so-so things, and some things about which I can’t help thinking that the exhibitor is having a laugh! Sometimes I think folk are purposely having a laugh – which adds to the interest and enjoyment of the experience.
Here’s an article about an earlier Christmas Exhibition …...
The last one we went to was in 2019, which was up to the usual standard of excellence.… Then Covid hit – and though folk assured us that much care was taken for the next Christmas exhibition which took place, we didn’t risk it.
This year – we’ve both recently had our booster jabs – the Covid situation is better in Orkney than it has been - the Arts Centre is a big, open space to be in (we negotiated The Cairns exhibition in the Stromness Museum…. which doesn’t have big open spaces). Long story short – we decided that it should be easy enough to avoid the populace, we’d wear masks, and go for it….
I see Brochs everywhere…..these images are by Samantha Gray – they aren’t Brochs – they’re labelled ’Connected 1’…..
…..and ‘Connected 2’…..
…..but to me …they look like Brochs.
Two tree-related images….
‘Intreeguing’ by Jamie Bodley-Scott…
And ‘Serenity Forest’ by Gill Lewis…
Kerrianne Flett’s ‘Femme Fatale Lamp’….
…..grasping fingers…..BEWARE!
Eileen Sclater’s ‘Midgarth Shore’…..
Where you might find an otter…..
This one is by David Pierce, and it’s impossible not to stroke it – probably not supposed to – but….
I remembered a sculpture of an otter in a previous PAC Christmas Exhibition – an absolute stunner by Jim Fogarty… . I likes otters.
Call out the Civil Defence – they’ve landed! ‘Robots’ by Robert Andrews…
And my very, very favourite of the whole exhibition….’Bay of Skaill Breaker’ by Donna Eunson…
I also likes spirals.
As always with the PAC Christmas Exhibition, I experienced sensory over-load – so much there - we’re fortunate to live here and have this happen every year.
Re. the ‘having a laugh’ exhibits – I’ve been tempted to try to sneak this one in but there are CCTV cameras in operation and someone would catch me. I’m no Banksy. So, here it is - I present to the readers of my blog – a possible contribution to the Pier Arts Centre Christmas Exhibition – tongue firmly in cheek….
‘Trapped Peg’ by BB
The wooden peg represents the Natural World, exploited and restrained by the metal coils of the Industrial World. All encased in the brittle artificiality of the Social World.
Price – 3 billion pounds
Here’s one I made earlier…
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