
The Summer of ’76……Swandro Wraps Up…Two Worlds….

by Bernie Bell - 08:44 on 11 August 2022

Remembering the drought of 1976 and the varied advice……..

‘Save water - bath with a friend’…… so we did…..not as much fun as it sounds…..all knees and elbows as I remember it!

Re. flushing the toilet.....‘If it’s yellow let it mellow - if it’s brown flush it down’ – the hippies in the hills were used to that. 

I lived in rural mid-Wales at the time, which tends to be …moist – not complaining – it makes things grow – ‘How Green Was My Valley’. 

Living there means that I don’t remember the situation being too bad.  What I do remember is…being young.....sunbathing and larking about with my friends….listening to groovy music….  https://digitaldreamdoor.com/pages/bg_hits/bg_hits_76-x.html

Memory is a fickle thing – especially when you’re remembering when you were young.

‘Drought Supremo’ Denis Howell – he was generally an object of derision but days after he was appointed, it rained! There was heavy rainfall across Britain and Mr Howell became known as 'Minister for Floods'. During the harsh winter of 1978/1979 he was appointed Minister for Snow. 

You couldn’t make it up.


The weather has been mixed for the archaeological digs this year………Swandro wraps up tomorrow – literally is being wrapped up in protective membrane to, hopefully, preserve it until next year.  Here’s a rhyming round-up of this year’s dig…..

The Digging Days of Swandro

(To the tune of ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ – kind of)

On a certain day at Swandro

The diggers found….

A fuuuuuurnace


On other days at Swandro

They also found…….


And some bits of

A tiny little pig


On blingy days at Swandro

The diggers found

A broonze ring…

Sooome beads…

Toggle and round…

And yer’ actual ….

La Tene style…



Other finds at Swandro

On other days ….

A saddle quern

A wee pot with lid

A spindle whorl

And some mysterious

Spiky bone thingiiiiiiies


I can’t leave out the finely crafted model of an Anteater - possibly a votive offering?

If you’d like to read about it all ….here’s the dig diary for 2022 …….  https://www.swandro.co.uk/blog ....... fingers crossed for next year….


The things we see through our window.....

10pm 10th August 2022 - THE MOON

8am 11TH August 2022 – THE LINER


Here’s one we made earlier…… https://theorkneynews.scot/2017/03/01/poetry-corner-them-and-us-by-bernie-bell/


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