
Successful Swandro Open Day +….C.A.A.T… Sands O’Wright/Dam of Hoxa…Rolling Boulders...

by Bernie Bell - 07:59 on 01 August 2022

Successful Swandro Open Day +…

Saturday started soggy but then cleared and, though breezy, turned into a pleasant day – just right for an outdoor Open Day……


Hmmmmm…reading Caz’ mention of the nearby archaeological sites, I thought I’d add this…. https://theorkneynews.scot/2017/05/18/bernie-bell-orkney-walks-with-stories-rousay or, considering all the additional stuff in the ‘comments’ - I should say these!

+    https://www.swandro.co.uk/post/quernstones-fond-farewells



We support the Campaign Against Arms Trade and therefore receive news and updates from them. I’ve written about this previously in TON… https://theorkneynews.scot/2021/03/03/guns-into-ploughshares/ and thought I’d now use my blog to spread the word a bit more…..

The latest issue of CAAT News magazine (issue 263) is out, and available for download! Topics include: 

  • The war in Ukraine
  • The war in Yemen – new signs of hope?
  • World military spending 2021
  • Scottish government support for the arms industry
  • UK arms export licences in 2021
  • Arms trade with India

No to Farnborough War-show

Boris Johnson may have wanted to quietly enjoy his ride in a fighter jet, but campaigners made their voices heard in Farnborough earlier this month, on one of the hottest days ever in the UK.

Coming up: Policing and Borders (Event, online)

Join CAAT and Netpol this Thursday 4th August as we reveal our new research on the effects of militarised policing and the involvement of UK companies. Register for free here.

Coming up: Stop Arming Apartheid, Barclays! (Event, online)

Join CAAT, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and War on Want on Tues 9th August as we discuss new research on Barclays' investment in drone maker Elbit Systems, and the continued oppression of Palestinian people by Israel.

CAAT would not exist without public support! If you would like to donate to CAAT, you can do so via thier donations page


Sands O’Wright/Dam of Hoxa…

We’ve been to the Sands O’ Wright/Dam of Hoxa many times….


It was a sunny Sunday with a cooling breeze - so we went again!

On the sand, right along the length of the Bay, there were what must have been hundreds of Sea-gooseberries. We’d never seen so many in one place – and they looked very appealing, gleaming in the sunshine…

Though they’re called gooseberries, they’re not edible for humans. What does eat jelly-fish, apart from turtles?


Then along the path through the willows – perfect for a day like that – a bit shady and very peaceful. Along the track by the Dam of Hoxa – sandwiches and a cuppa tea sitting on a big rock by the shore, then back along the track, passing the broch to our right, and turning left onto the road to pass the otter statue with its bow tie - which was getting a bit battered by the breeze! 

Someone had left a painted stone propped up by the otter – standing stones against green grass and blue sky – fits the scene beautifully.

We’ll be back…


Rolling Boulders with Steve Drury!



Here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2018/01/07/hands/




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