
I see rainbows in the evening.....

by Bernie Bell - 11:59 on 20 July 2022

‘I see rainbows in the evening…’   from  ‘I can hear the grass grow’  by The Move.

Tuesday the 19th of July 2022 was a hot day, even in Orkney, and I was thinking about the diggers – Ness, Swandro & Skaill Farm.  I was sympathizing with all outdoor workers.

By 11 am I came indoors and stayed there. Then, in the evening the weather broke and we had steady, refreshing rain. The sun didn’t so much set, as spread itself across the edge of the sky.  We went out at about 10 past 10, into the fresh air, and saw strange cloud formations, and a rainbow……

The light made the dead flower-heads on the saxifrage glow red – they’re brown and dry – but they were…glowing….

And the plants were drinking up the water.

Today looks much more civilized – overcast and a breeze – suits me – and the diggers!


It ocurred to me - I might as well inlcude this too.... https://theorkneynews.scot/2017/08/14/bernie-bell-i-can-hear-the-grass-grow/


And here’s one I made earlier….. https://theorkneynews.scot/2017/10/23/the-glasgow-school-of-art-re-created/

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