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Regular and attentive care is necessary if immaculate nails are to be maintained.
Attractive hands and nails are vital to create a groomed appearance. Having a manicure can give a wonderful feel-good factor and if you have an important event like a job interview or a wedding to attend it is the ideal way to turn up feeling 'a million dollars'.
Regular professional attention will prevent minor nail damage, splits and fragile tips remaining undetected and becoming more serious.


The procedure involves a consultation and hand examination to assess what treatments will be beneficial.

Hands are cleansed and nails are filed to achieve a smooth, even outline to the nail.

Cuticles are worked on, any excess is removed. This allows the nail plate to grow out freely.

Hands are massaged using an aromatherapy  moisturising cream. This increases skin improvement and delays ageing tendencies such as wrinkled or discoloured skin.

Fingernails are then polished to a high shine or painted with base coat, colour and crystal clear top coat.

Cuticles have a nourishing cuticle oil gently massaged in to prevent the drying effects of hand washing and immersion in water.



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