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07 March 2013
Last In Your Shoes Event

SEPT is inviting people who use our services and their carers to share their experiences of our care, in a series of ‘In Your Shoes’ workshops. These will help us develop standards of care in everything we do.
We want to learn about what’s good that we can build on, what’s not so good we can do differently, and what makes the biggest difference for you.
A member of staff will act as your host for the session, helping you to share your experience in a way that works for you. They are there to listen to you one-to-one, learn how we can improve, and support you in group discussions.

All sessions run from 2pm to 4pm, and we ask people to arrive from 1.30pm for registration and refreshments. To reserve a place, or find out more, call The Patient Experience Team on 01268 407818 or email christine.cantello@sept.nhs.uk



Southend 12th march

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