Meeting info.Agenda
Afan Tawe Nedd Neighbourhood Watch Association
2nd floor Port Talbot Police Station, Station Road, Port Talbot, SA13 1JB
Tel- 01639 889747, Fax- 01639 889174, E mail-
1.Chairman’s welcome and report
2.Speed Watch:This is the opportunity for those who have a concern regarding local speeding issues to be able to contribute.PCSOs Steve Lewis and James O’Neil will explain this new concept and how you can become involved in making your community safer.This is your opportunity to become involved in an educational programme to make our roads safer.A 20 minute presentation followed by a questions and answer session.
3.Apologies for absence
4.Minutes of previous meeting
5.Secretary’s report
6.Treasurer’s report
7.Police Report
8.Community Safety Report
9.Any other community/area reports
10.Any other business
11.Date of next meeting : 25th September 2014
Copied and pasted - as received - 8.4.14
- Welcome by the President Mr Brian John
- The Meeting will be addressed by Mrs Gaynor Richards, MBE, Chairperson of Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Services and the outgoing High Sherriff of West Glamorgan who will speak of her current role and experience as High Sherriff. This will be followed by a brief question and answer session
At the completion of the presentation we will proceed with the business of the AGM
- Chairpersons welcome
- Minutes of the previous AGM
- Chairpersons report of the year events
- Treasurers’ Report and Audit report
- Secretary’s report
- Community Safety Report
- Police report
- Election of officers. The President will take the chair for the election of Chairperson
Post |
Current Holder |
Will stand for re-election |
Chairperson |
Alun Thomas |
Yes |
Vice Chairperson |
Tony Briggs |
Yes |
Treasurer |
Gwenda Smart |
Yes |
Secretary |
Vacant |
Vacant |
Police Liaison Officer |
Alan Keenan |
Vacant |
Communications Officer |
Cled Griffin |
Yes |
- Proposal to modify quarterly meetings to be bi monthly and venues to be varied between Neath, Port Talbot and Pontardawe
- Any other business
- Date of next quarterly meeting – 26th June 2014 venue to be announced
- Meeting declared closed
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at
Neath Civic Centre on Thursday 25th April 2013
1. Chairman Alun Thomas welcomed Assistant Crime Commissioner Mr David Francis and outlined a slight change in respect of the Agenda.
2. Members present
Tim Ambler Godrergraig Victoria Arnold Godgrergraig
Angela Thomas GCG Brian John Cwmavon
Eddie Mason Sandfields West Jean Mason Sandfields West
John Francis Margam Village
SGT Tony Powe S W Police Mary P Williams S W Police
Mike Oliver Delffordd Rhos Gwenda Smart Polenna
Cled Griffin Rhiwlas Alun Thomas G.C.G.
M A Shorney Aberavon Michelle Shorney Aberavon
Pat Rundle Aberavon CA Briggs Taibach
David Scourfield Safer NPT
3. Apologies
Liz Keenan Velindre Alan Keenan Velindre
Hadrian Gower Baglan
4. Minutes of last AGM 12.01.2012 accepted.
Item 6 should read £2001.62 not £200.62.
5. Chairperson’s Report
Chair Alun Thomas reported on the recent GCG project and interagency working with the Fire Service promoting Fire Safety – the Fire Service had a total of 200 referrals as a result of the project. £900 sponsorship was raised for the project which also allowed for NHS signs to be erected in the area and the purchase of security pens and window stickers.
Communication developments have involved the launch of the internet website as well as the Chair’s newsletter which involves 78 emails to schemes and hard copies to a further 12 members. The working relationship with Community Safety department is excellent, sponsoring the Schools Road Safety Quiz over the last two years. We are now identifying funding opportunities to fulfil future projects.
Finally, the Chair thanked the Police for the office at the Police Station and reminded members they are welcome to attend.
6.Community Safety Report
Sergeant Tony Powe reported current trends in local crime issues, a drop in reported ASB incidents but increase in theft from motor vehicles. Several projects have been carried out involving licensing, metal theft, Trading Standards, speaking to hard to reach groups. Community Safety partnership is working very well with NHW, sharing info etc.
Mary Williams outlined a number of joint projects with Community Safety Partnership and NHW including theft from motor vehicles, Cold Callers, Rogue Trader work, ongoing project with NPT Libraries giving out important messages, cold caller info and promoting NHW to vulnerable and housebound residents.
A number of talks have been given to organisations and groups in the community, messages given out via local radio stations. The group was advised of forthcoming dates and venues of South Wales Police mobile police station.
Action: Mary to email information out regarding Mobile Police Station
The Chair handed over to Life President Mr Brian John who welcomed Mr David Francis, Assistant to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Mr David Francis thanked Brian John and the Chair for the invitation to the meeting. He stated that whist serving in the Police Service he actively supported Crime Prevention and NHW groups. He outlined the role of the senior team within the PCC. It involves a new role from the old Police Authority in that the PCC is elected and has responsibility to appoint the Chief Constable and work together to produce a Crime and Police Reduction Plan. Other partners to play their part - to meet with the public, maintain good links with local authorities and demonstrate that the crime reduction plan is working. This should see a change in communities, making sure police and PCSOs are more effective and increase numbers. He outlined the tax precept was 7% in local council taxes which resulted in an additional 48 PCSOs being employed.
Mr Francis engaged in a Question and Answer session with members and several questions were asked regarding PCSO powers, charge to the public for use of 101 system, linking NHW website to PCC website, reduction of police staff as a result of recently announced crime figures. Mr Francis was unable to give a definitive answer to the 101 query but stated he would send a written reply to the Chair.
Mr Francis was thanked by the Chair for his attendance and participation within the meeting. Mr Francis responded by saying he would be pleased to attend again in the future.
The Chair returned to the Business meeting.
7.Auditor’s Report
Report was presented by Eddie Mason. Cled Griffin pointed out that the monies accredited to him are for IT services. Alun Thomas stated that monies accredited to him are for transport costs. Mr John Francis informed the meeting that the Margam Village CHCA would be making a donation to the Afan Tawe Nedd NHW Association. The Chair thanked Eddie and Jean Mason for conducting the audit.
8.Election of Officers
Brian John took over the chair and asked for nominations, the serving officers having stood down.
Alun Thomas was re elected as chair. .
Tony Briggs was elected as Vice Chair
Gwenda Smart was re elected as Treasurer
Michelle Shorney was elected as Secretary
Alan Keenan was re elected as Police Liaison Officer
Cled Griffin was re elected as Communications Officer
Alun Thomas resumed the chair
10.Any other business
Mike Oliver highlighted the problem of speeding on the A474 Neath to Pontardawe and through Rhos, he pointed out several new areas in which to locate speed cameras.
Action: SGT Tony Powe to follow up
M r David Cheeseborough (Godrergraig) highlighted continued problems with speeding at the traffic light leading into the estate
Action: PCSO Dominic Edgell to get stats for the area and make contact with Cllr Rosalyn Davies
SGT Tony Powe to chase up and speak to Road Safety Team
The next AGM was arranged for 24th April 2014, date to be confirmed closer to the date
Quarterly Meeting for the next year are as follows: 25th July 2013
24th October 2013
23rd January 2014
Brian John thanked the group for his invite to the meeting.
Alun Thomas thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting
Afan Tawe Nedd Neighbourhood Watch Association
Quarterly Meeting
Thursday 13th February 2014
Alun Thomas Chairman ATN NHW
Sgt Tony Powe SW Police
Tony Pain SW Police
John Francis Margam Village
Grant Botteril NPT Community Safety
Eddie Mason Sandfields West
Jean Mason Sandfields West
Tony Briggs Taibach Vice Chair
2. Apologies
Gwenda Smart
2.Chair Person’s Welcome
Alun Thomas Welcomed those present and introduced the first of the evening’s speakers.
4. First Evening Speaker
Tony Pain Crime Reduction Tactical Adviser began his talk by informing the meeting that part of his work included looking into metal theft and auto crime and is now also working with the Swansea NHW group and is now a regular participant in our association’s activities. During his talk Tony brought our attention to the relationship between the fifteen development priorities set by our Police and Crime Commissionaire and the Chief Constable and also the role that the Neighbourhood Watch has to play to help in their implementation. Tony also drew our attention to the Police Crime reduction Plan for 2013-2017 which identifies the need for partnerships to work together in order to achieve a successful outcome. Copies of the above mentioned documents will be available at our ATN NHWA office.
5. NPT Community Safety Report
Grant Bottril spoke to the meeting regarding the need to help to make people feel safe as well as trying to help make them safe. Our attention was drawn to the One Punch Ruins Lives Campaign which can be seen on at:
The meeting was also told of the visits the Partnership had made throughout the borough including town centres, super stores and colleges during which items and information regarding resident’s safety were distribute. Copies of the Safe & Sound NPT Community Safety News were made available to those present at the meeting along with shopping trolley discs and compacts, which draws attention to the Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline. The material in Safe & Sound News included items such as, anti-social behaviour, property marking, calendar of events, community safety project funding, safe scheme and community safety packs.
6. Chairman’s Report
Our Chairman brought our attention to the resent past projects which involved the distribution of Neighbourhood Watch packs to all the houses in Margam Village and to half of the dwellings in Aberavon. Our association was help in this task by the Police, NPT Community Safety Partnership, NPT Homes, Safer NPT and not least by the Fire and Rescue Service who put on a demonstration for the local school children. The Chairman thanked the above organizations without whose help the task would have been exceedingly difficult. Our Attention was then drawn to the next project being planned by Alun which involves distributing NHW information to some 20.000 NPT homes over a period of about two years. Alun noted that our next meeting will be the Associations AGM where office holders will be appointed for the next year and he would be pleased to hear from those who would be prepared to have their names put forward to become office bearers at that meeting. Some disappointment was noted about the number attending this meeting particularly when people have come along specifically to talk to us.
7. Police Report
Sergeant Tony Powe informed the meeting that along with his commitment to NHW he also has other duties including Hate Crime and Licencing . Tony spoke about the crime figures for the borough which are generally on the decrease, however, he noted that since our last meeting the number of cycle thefts has increased. Crime detection rates were good with a 74% success rate in the Port Talbot area. Other crimes were discussed including hate crime, travelling burglars, unlock vehicle thefts, unlawful imprisonment and scams including lottery and car sales.
8. Election of Officers for 2014-2015
Our Chairman spoke of the need for members to put their names forward for the election of officers at the coming AGM.
9. Any Other Business
Eddie Mason brought to the meeting attention the need to help others and in particular those who are perhaps less capable or are unable to help themselves. Eddie also noted how on occasions we need to persevere and not give up when we seem to be losing our way or are seemingly being confused by others who seem to put obstacles in our way.
10. Date of Next Meeting
The date proposed for the next meeting is the 24th April 2014 which will also be our AGM.
Afan Tawe Nedd Neighbourhood Watch Association
Quarterly Meeting
Thursday 13th February 2014
Alun Thomas Chairman ATN NHW
Sgt Tony Powe SW Police
Tony Pain SW Police
John Francis Margam Village
Grant Botteril NPT Community Safety
Eddie Mason Sandfields West
Jean Mason Sandfields West
Tony Briggs Taibach Vice Chair
2. Apologies
Gwenda Smart
2.Chair Person’s Welcome
Alun Thomas Welcomed those present and introduced the first of the evening’s speakers.
4. First Evening Speaker
Tony Pain Crime Reduction Tactical Adviser began his talk by informing the meeting that part of his work included looking into metal theft and auto crime and is now also working with the Swansea NHW group and is now a regular participant in our association’s activities. During his talk Tony brought our attention to the relationship between the fifteen development priorities set by our Police and Crime Commissionaire and the Chief Constable and also the role that the Neighbourhood Watch has to play to help in their implementation. Tony also drew our attention to the Police Crime reduction Plan for 2013-2017 which identifies the need for partnerships to work together in order to achieve a successful outcome. Copies of the above mentioned documents will be available at our ATN NHWA office.
5. NPT Community Safety Report
Grant Bottril spoke to the meeting regarding the need to help to make people feel safe as well as trying to help make them safe. Our attention was drawn to the One Punch Ruins Lives Campaign which can be seen on at:
The meeting was also told of the visits the Partnership had made throughout the borough including town centres, super stores and colleges during which items and information regarding resident’s safety were distribute. Copies of the Safe & Sound NPT Community Safety News were made available to those present at the meeting along with shopping trolley discs and compacts, which draws attention to the Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline. The material in Safe & Sound News included items such as, anti-social behaviour, property marking, calendar of events, community safety project funding, safe scheme and community safety packs.
6. Chairman’s Report
Our Chairman brought our attention to the resent past projects which involved the distribution of Neighbourhood Watch packs to all the houses in Margam Village and to half of the dwellings in Aberavon. Our association was help in this task by the Police, NPT Community Safety Partnership, NPT Homes, Safer NPT and not least by the Fire and Rescue Service who put on a demonstration for the local school children. The Chairman thanked the above organizations without whose help the task would have been exceedingly difficult. Our Attention was then drawn to the next project being planned by Alun which involves distributing NHW information to some 20.000 NPT homes over a period of about two years. Alun noted that our next meeting will be the Associations AGM where office holders will be appointed for the next year and he would be pleased to hear from those who would be prepared to have their names put forward to become office bearers at that meeting. Some disappointment was noted about the number attending this meeting particularly when people have come along specifically to talk to us.
7. Police Report
Sergeant Tony Powe informed the meeting that along with his commitment to NHW he also has other duties including Hate Crime and Licencing . Tony spoke about the crime figures for the borough which are generally on the decrease, however, he noted that since our last meeting the number of cycle thefts has increased. Crime detection rates were good with a 74% success rate in the Port Talbot area. Other crimes were discussed including hate crime, travelling burglars, unlock vehicle thefts, unlawful imprisonment and scams including lottery and car sales.
8. Election of Officers for 2014-2015
Our Chairman spoke of the need for members to put their names forward for the election of officers at the coming AGM.
9. Any Other Business
Eddie Mason brought to the meeting attention the need to help others and in particular those who are perhaps less capable or are unable to help themselves. Eddie also noted how on occasions we need to persevere and not give up when we seem to be losing our way or are seemingly being confused by others who seem to put obstacles in our way.
10. Date of Next Meeting
The date proposed for the next meeting is the 24th April 2014 which will also be our AGM.
Please see NEWS page for details of quarterly meeting on 24th October 2013 - including change of venue