Contents of this WebSite
This WebSite contains far too many Pages to fit on the Menu on the Left.
Pages not shown on the Menu can be accessed through Links on the appropriate Pages; Links are Coloured and Underlined. Usually, if BOLD, the Link is to another WebSite. The colour changes when you visit that Page. Sometimes clicking on a Link will REPLACE the Page you are looking at; but sometimes it just opens another Tab - so when you have finished there may be several Tabs still open.
Here is a List of Pages :-
1916 onwards
Agnes and her mother
Agnes's Birds and Bees 1
Agnes's Birds and Bees 2
Agnes's father
Agnes's Grave
Agnes's Will
ArtUK Article
Contact Us
Contents of this WebSite
Donald's Will
Federation du Scoutisme Europeen
Francis's Will
Frank's Will
Friends of Kensal Green Article
From The Spectator. 1909
Girls' Emergency Corps
How Girl Guides began
Letters from Olave to Agnes
Pamphlet A
Pamphlet B
Scheme for Girl Guides
Sir George's Will
The Family
The Woman at Home
Up to 1909
Visitor's Book