Girls' Emergency Corps
Apart from Helen Gardener's book, there is an explanation half-way down this WebPage:-
From the April 1914 edition of the Girl Guides' Gazette - "A short history of the Pinkney's Green Girl Guides, founded on February 6th 1909 as the 'Girls' Emergency Corps'." Helen Gardener writes that this creation followed a meeting of Agnes Baden-Powell and friends.
The only other item that mentions the Girls' Emergency Corps that Google has managed to find is this one :-
From the Gisborne, NZ, "Photo News", No. 27 : September 20, 1956
On a recent visit to Gisborne, Miss Jean McKenzie, former New Zealand Minister in Paris, was able to renew many old friendships. As a stenographer with the Public Works Department here 35 years ago [1921], Miss McKenzie joined the Girls' Emergency Corps, a patriotic organisation which was continued as a social group after the First World War.
Former members of the Corps gathered for afternoon tea at the home of Mrs M. Littlewood recently to discuss old times with Miss McKenzie, who is pictured here (right) with Mrs Littlewood and the Mayoress, Mrs H. H. Barker.
1. This was NZ;
2. She was a Member in 1921
So perhaps this is a different organisation.
If you can shed more light on this, please Contact Us.