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05 July 2015
Legacy or Historic, What Is The Difference Chris?

Chris Owens is at it yet again, despite humiliation being heaped on humiliation.

The pevereel/Firsport accounts show that some £9.3m was set aside to resolve "historic legacy issues"

Yet Chris Owens refuses to discuss legacy issues on the grounds that they are historic! This is even after being forced to credit a resident with a £10,000 "goodwill payment"

Into the bargain he warns off a resident from critisizing a property manager.

For the record Chris, this was not the case.

As you well know, the point being made was that it was you the Group Head of Customer Relations that was passing an  historic legacy issue to a property manager of around 8 weeks standing.

No slur was made on the abilities of the property manager in any way,

The slur is entirely based on you Chris as you attempt to protect your self interest.


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