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03 May 2019
Firstport's "Little Bit of Paradise" Eventually!

Firstport are making a splash of the re-opening of a residents swimming pool at Briary Court, Cowes, Isle of Wight.

At first sight it is indeed very good news for the residents that after refurbishments to the pool carried out after a Firstport Health & Safety manager expressed doubts about the safety of the pool has now re-opened.

Concern was raised particularly about the depth of the pool at one end being deeper than 1.5 metres.

So great was the concern of Firstport, the pool was immediately closed.

Residents at the time, used the terms "Disgrace, High Handed, Utter Contempt"

One resident commented " It was an absolutely disgraceful decision that was taken without any discussion"

The Firstport Health & Safety manager had also been involved in a controversial fire protection upgrade decision at another development that was subsequently overturned after the residents sought a report from the local fire brigade.

In responding to residents concerns Firstport gave differing versions as to the chain of events as reported by LKP.

The date of the closure of the pool in question was September 2013.

And Firstport are pleased to announce the re-opening in May 2019!

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