This WebSite was created to record and make available what is known about the family.
THIS WebSite is restricted to only people born with the name Vully or de Candole (and their spouses and children) descended from the earliest verified ancestor, Jean Gaspard Vully who lived in the small village in Rolle, Switzerland in the late 1600s.
Click for notes on Navigation
Click for notes on The "Family Search" WebSite, which provides the bare genealogical facts.
THIS WebSite contains not just the bare details, but the "gossip" as well !
Each male has his own WebPage here, but there are so many, they are hidden from the Menu on the left - to find someone, go to the "bare bones" Family Tree or one of the subsets labelled "Descendants of . . .", and click on the name you want. Each man's name is preceded by a number, the number of digits is the generations down from the first, the value of each digit is the precedence. Each man's Page includes all that I know about him, AND about his wives and daughters. The wives (usually) started life with different surnames; most daughters married, so (usually) ended with different surnames. Details of the wives' parents, or of the daughters' children, must be sought under their other surnames. If I know of any other WebSite that mentions them, their name will be a Link, and coloured and underlined, but not bold.
Click for notes on Family Records
In conclusion
This WebSite would have looked quite "thin" without a great deal of input from other members of the family, for which, many thanks. More input is always welcome - click here.
Yes, I hate the ads. But - they pay for this WebSite, which means that, when I become eligible for inclusion, the WebSite will remain. I have seen too many excellent WebSites disappear when the owner died and the subscription ceased.
This present WebSite is a work in progress - and always will be - people keep producing babies, and expiring - so please let me have any information you would like added to this record. There are mistakes, inevitably, so please bring them to my attention - click here.