13 July 2018
Partial Reprieve for Cold Ashby's Bus Service!


New services to be introduced which include Cold Ashby:

60 Northampton to Welford via Guilsborough

59 Welford to Market Harborough via Clipston.

According to an email the Rambler received yesterday Daventry District Council have agreed to fund a new service (59/60) which will operate on Mondays – Fridays from Monday 23rd July to Thursday 30th March 2019.

This, of course, means Cold Ashby no longer has a Saturday (or Sunday) Service.

This new service will be operated by Centrebus.

For the new timetable and to assess how well (or otherwise!) Cold Ashby is now served by this click or tap HERE.

Through fares between the two services will be available and passengers will be able to stay on the bus when it arrives in Welford so they may continue to (or from) Market Harborough

**Don't forget that your comments on this (or anything else!) are welcome on the Guestbook/Message Board.


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