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* Please see the 'Events' and 'News' pages 

and the 'Sproatley - St Swithins Church'

'Sproatley Hub' and the

'St Swithins Restoration Appeal' Facebook Pages 

(there is a Facebook link button in the menu on the left)


*** For details of the Restoration Appeal Committee please scroll down ...










Thank you to all who came and supported our Public Meeting about the Restoration Appeal on 8 November.  We are grateful for your continuing support and for the fundraising suggestions put forward. We will try to keep you informed of our progress with the plans as put forward at our meeting. We would still love to hear from anyone with further fundraising ideas and if you are able to get involved please contact any one of the Restoration Fund Committee members listed below on this page. As reported at the meeting, our priorities are now the porch and other structural repairs around the building, and replacement of the tower roof covering and repair of the pinnacles.  We propose to apply to the National Churches Trust under their Large Grants Scheme early next year to help with this.  We have already secured a small grant from the Withernwick Wind Farm Community Fund but there will still be a shortfall in our funding so your help is still needed. Our aim continues to be to keep the church open, safe and accessible and then to improve the facilities so that we can make the building a real community space, whilst retaining its primary purpose as a place of worship.  Please continue to support us.  Thank you.




Thank you to all who made our third Scarecrow Festival such a brilliant success.   The event has now raised £1,030 for our appeal.  A massive thank you to Sally Hollyman, and also to Laura Buchanan, Emi Grant and Liam Foster who helped Sally with the organisation and planning of this event. And thank you to all who took part and supported the event in any way.  Well done to the winning entries; what amazing creativity!

First Prize ...  Mary Poppins

Second Prize ...  Peppa the Pig

Third Prize ...  Come Fly With Me




Thank you to those who came and supported our Village Voices evening for the Restoration Fund. 

This event raised £269.80. 

Thank you all










It’s so simple and if you are an eligible UK taxpayer you can take advantage of Gift Aid to increase the amount we receive from your gift at no extra cost to yourself.     

We are extremely grateful for all donations no matter how large or small.

Scan this QR code below which will take you directly to the donation site.  Thank you





Please help us to raise £50,000!!!

The newly formed Restoration Committee is pleased to announce that the Save St Swithins Restoration Appeal has now been launched. Thank you to all who attended the public meeting held on 7th of March 2019 and especially to those who offered help and support. This has enabled us to launch our appeal fully in the knowledge that the community is behind this project.

In response to the survey conducted across the village, many residents referred to the church as the ‘heart’ or ‘focal point’ of the community. As you may know, St Swithins Church is now in need of substantial repairs, including a new nave roof and repairs to the tower. In addition, we would like to improve the facilities the church is able to offer in order that it can be used more widely by the community.

Our overall target is around £340,000. We hope to obtain the bulk of this through grants from various bodies, but this is not guaranteed. In any event we will need to raise at least £50,000 locally to provide matched funding for the grant applications. We also need to show real community support and participation in the project or the grant bodies will not support us.

Please read on to see how YOU can help.

This is a real opportunity to bring our community together and have some fun at the same time. If you would like to get involved please get in touch. You can contact any member of the


Restoration Committee:

Denise Wilson (PCC rep and treasurer) 01482 817887 denisekw55@icloud.com 

Margaret Cockbill (PCC rep) 01482 814407 mrc@damaskend.karoo.co.uk

Kelly Chapman 01482 813165 kellywainwright157@gmail.com

Ann Dalton 01482 811108

John Jackson 01482 897512

Ann Dyson 07928 517317

Sally Hollyman 01482 817931 sallyspc2003@yahoo.co.uk


We would like to raise the required funding within a period of two years. This is an ambitious target but one which, we believe, is possible with your continued support. To date (September 2021) we have raised £30,247.45, which is a great effort. A huge THANK YOU to all who have contributed so far but we really do need your help and support.
We will be approaching businesses in the area, large and small, for support and there are a number of charitable trusts and other grant awarding bodies which may be able to help. Aside from this there has been a great response to our appeal for fundraising ideas so in the coming months, do please watch out for and give your support

St Swithins Church is located on Church Lane,

leading from Balk Lane, Sproatley


Together we can do it!

Thank you





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