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Copyright expires 70 years after the death of the creator.

There is a Canadian WebSite that has a large number of B-P's books - the "American" versions - available for download as image .PDFs.  There are subtle slight differences,  e.g. the "English" version is called "Indian Memories", whereas the "American" version is called "Memories of India", but the texts are [probably] identical.

Title Year Author Description Filename Size
Cavalry Instruction 1885 B-P . cavinstr.pdf 555 kb
The Downfall Of Prempeh 1896 B-P . prempeh.pdf 1.84 Mb
The Matabele Campaign 1896 B-P . matabele.pdf 4.74 Mb
Sport In War 1900 B-P . sport.pdf 1.99 Mb
Sketches In Mafeking & East Africa 1907 B-P . sketches.pdf 29.0 Mb
Sea Scouting for Boys 1910 B-P A 1910 introduction to Sea Scouting written by B-P for Scoutmasters and organizers.(May not be the complete text) ss4boys.pdf 45 kb
Yarns For Boy Scouts 1910 B-P . yarns4boyscouts.pdf 871 kb
Boy Scouts Beyond The Seas 1913 B-P 1913 World Tour beyondtheseas.pdf 2.1 MB
Quick Training In War 1914 B-P . quick.pdf 584 kb
Aids To Scouting For NCO's & Men 1915 B-P . A2S4NCO&Men.pdf 412 kb
Marksmanship For Boys 1915 B-P . marksboys.pdf 2.79 Mb
Memories of India 1915 B-P The English version is titled "Indian Memories" memories.pdf 3.5 Mb
Young Knights of the Empire 1917 B-P . youngknights.pdf 2.2 Mb
An Old Wolf's Favourites - Animals I Have Known 1922 B-P Book of yarns for Wolf Cubs by B-P. Despite the subtitle, about half of the yarns have very little to do with animals. animals.pdf 3.22 Mb
The Adventures Of A Spy 1924 B-P . adventures.pdf 1.0 Mb
Scouting And Youth Movements 1929 B-P An overview of Scouting for the uninitiated...origins, purpose and method, views on religion, the military, etc. scoutyouth.pdf 354 kb
Lessons From The Varsity Of Life 1934 B-P . varsityoflife.pdf 2.16Mb
Scouting Games 1934 B-P Original Scouting Book of Games bp_games.pdf 283 kb
Adventures And Accidents 1936 B-P . BPAdventures.pdf 760 kb
African Adventures 1937 B-P . africanadv.pdf 1.47 Mb
Girl Guiding 1938 B-P . girlguiding.pdf 2.05 Mb
Wolf Cub's Handbook 1938 B-P . wolfcubshandbook.pdf 1.4 Mb
Scouting For Boys 1956 B-P Brotherhood Edition 29 Files .
The Cub Book 1957 B-P . cubbookabr.pdf 486 kb
Rovering To Success 1963 B-P . rts.pdf 1.8 Mb
Rovering To Success 1963 B-P .epub r2t - B-P.epub 1.98 Mb
Rovering To Success 1963 B-P .mobi r2t - B-P.mobi 2.10 Mb
Aids To Scoutmastership . B-P . a2sm.pdf 501 kb
Jungle Dances . B-P A compilation of Jungle Dances and how to use them in Wolf Cubs. (put together by Karl) jungledances.pdf 594 kb
BP's Outlook 1909-1941 B-P . outlook.pdf 1.6 Mb
The Chief Scout Yarns 1918-1920 B-P A Collection of Yarns from the Chief Scout - A weekly Pow Wow 1918-1920 Chief Scout Yarns.pdf 1.6 Mb


There is also a [probably only partial] list here.

Please let us know of any additions - missing titles.

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