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Whinging Jones fires assist broadside!
05 October 2006
Whinging Jones fires assist broadside! A livid Russ Jones fired a broadside earlier this week after his 'assist' in the season's opener was cruelly ruled out by Chris Reidy from his New Zealand base. The tricky winger feels his surging run that led to Keeno's steamer was well worth an assist, and keen to secure the 'assists daddy' end of season award, Jones has called on his team members to validate the assist. "I'm starting a campaign for me to get an assist as I was horribly fouled just as I was about to bang one in. Keen netted the resulting free kick hence it should be my assist. Who agrees or who thinks not a chance as the corner flag was probably more in danger than the goal if I did manage to get a shot away?" Word is he's pulled out of Saturday's squad in disgust at the snub, with long-term pal Martin 'Smudger' Smith standing firm alongside him. Have your say and let me know if Jones should indeed be awarded an assist, alternatively tell him to turn it in when you see him next!
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