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Reporting a crime

Many are confused by what is on the Internet when it comes to reporting a crime.

This website aims to make it simple and straightforward - just use your moblie phone with the option of remaining anonymous by blocking the number of your phone when making the call.

Many people want to report crime but don't want to be invioved with what follows. This website caters for just that.

We believe this will lead to greater reporting and therefore a reduction in crime.


To block your number from being displayed temporarily for a specific call:

  • Dial 141 followed by the number you wish to call

For an example: To report an occurance of a street fight or disturbance:

Dial: 141 101

The words "Private," "Anonymous," or some other indicators will appear on the recipient's phone instead of your mobile number.

Get an incident number from the police - this confirms your report has been recorded.


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