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Music in Lanark

Music in Lanark began in 2000 with the aim of bringing a variety of the highest quality live music to the town of Lanark in central Scotland.

This has meant that three classical concerts, one jazz and one traditional music concert annually made up the series programmes for the first five years. In this way, Music in Lanark has tried to bring something to the town for everybody and to offer excellent concerts at reasonable prices here, on our own doorstep.

It has proved to be a very successful formula over the first five years and it is hoped that even more people in the town will find their way to our concerts in 2007-2008.

As well as promoting excellent music, Music in Lanark gives local young musicians a ten minute performance opportunity at the start of most concerts, and indeed a final concert is given over to them entirely. In the first few years about 45 local young musicians have delighted Music in Lanark with outstanding performances.

The success of Music in Lanark comes from being able to invite the most brilliant musicians. This ability exists because local people want to support this enterprise and buy series-tickets for all our concerts and because local businesses want to contribute to help Music in Lanark achieve its aims. These local sponsors and series-ticket holders have given Music in Lanark the financial confidence to be bold and enterprising.

Music in Lanark recognises this and is very grateful.

Support also comes from Enterprise Music Scotland and South Lanarkshire Council.

We hope that you enjoy looking at our website and that you will come to one or more of our concerts. Please contact us if you have any questions or need further information which is not provided here.


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