Basset Hound Club of Scotland
Championship Show 18th October 2014
I really enjoyed my day and was very honoured to judge at this well organised Show and thank all exhibitors, many of whom had travelled long distances, for affording me the privilege of a quality entry of hounds.

Judge Pamela Mottershaw with Steward Tom H Johnston
Puppy Dog (2)
1. Feetham’s Kimbleholme Wizard World. Beautiful R/W youngster, 11months, full of breed type and showing much quality in all departments. Caught my eye with his overall balance and elegant profile with desired length of body. Admired his well-modelled head, obvious forechest, is ribbed well back and firm in topline. Presented in superb condition, has excellent well-muscled quarters, is nicely angled front and rear. Stands out well over the ground and moves out soundly with powerful rear drive, in harmony with handler. One to watch for future success and i shall follow his progress. Best Puppy in Show.
2. Johnston’s Burnvale Stand & Deliver. Another attractive hound, broken tri of 9 months but also showing much potential and close up to winner. Masculine head of pleasing proportions, good leathers with curl and super reach of arched neck. Well off for bone and substance. Prominent forechest, well-laid back shoulders, deep ribcage and well rounded quarters giving clean action. Moved with drive.
Post Graduate Dog (2)
1. Johnston’s Burnvale Ringmaster. Impressive broken tri with much to admire, a very honest hound who is an example of moderation in all aspects fitting together smoothly and with desired substance. Masculine outlook from well shaped head. Good depth of muzzle and long curled leathers. Elegant, strong, arched neck, flowing smoothly into his shoulder assembly. Correct length of leg and upper arm. Scores in prominence of forechest and length of ribbing carried well back. Level topline and pleasing muscular quarters giving clean driving action. Presents a pleasing profile standing and moving. Reserve Dog CC.
2. Thomson’s Rakefoot Hugo Lipiquer. Very smart R/W of 3 yrs, of breed typical appearance and pleasing in overall conformation and qualities. Has defined head planes, calm expression, well constructed in front and forequarters and with adequate ground clearance to allow freedom of movement. Desired overall substance and masculinity, firm, broad level topline and moved out freely with easy action.
Limit Dog (4, 2 abs)
1. Gibson’s Badina Blackjack. Black blanketed tri of 3yrs, an honest and workmanlike hound who would certainly work all day. Liked his handsome head of correct proportions, long, curled leathers and well-shaped eye. Elegant yet strong neck with good reach. Chest let down well into the crook, pleasing lay of shoulder and length of upper arm. Level topline, ribs smooth and rounded and carried well back. On the move displays the correct reach in front and powerful drive from muscular rear quarters. In harmony with handler.
2. Mitchell’s Rakefoot Dr Fu For Lipiquer. Impressive, mature R/W hound, close up to winner in most respects and with many breed qualities to admire. Masculine head, lovely clean eyes, pleasing expression, well set and nicely curled ears. Scores in topline, elbows well tucked in, strong rump and hocks. Moved out steadily with drive from his muscular, shapely quarters.

Dog CC, Res.Dog CC & Best Puppy Dog
Open Dog (7, 2 abs)
Lovely class!
1. Blevin’s Ch. Blevwils Forest Gump. Appeals greatly in shape and overall breed qualities and has ideal substance with balance of profile from all angles. At two and a half years he appears to be in his prime with undoubted appearance of excellent overall length proportions. His handsome, masculine head is well-modelled and breed typical with clean lines and a lovely expression from clean eyes. Ears are correctly set and beautifully curled. Ideal bone and tight feet. Pro-sternum fitting well into crook, ribs of good length and strong, level topline. Moved effortlessly and purposefully, true going away and back and one which I shall follow in the future. Delighted to award Dog CC and later Res. BIS.
2. Seddon’s Ch. Sedonia’s Royal Intruder. Another top drawer hound, much to admire and close up to winner. Typy and mature R/W, a worthy Champion and excellent example of the breed. Masculine hound of pleasing length and balanced body. Handsome head, masculine outlook, clean eyes, supple leathers, reachy arched neck and well made front. Ribbed well back, firm in topline and has nicely angled hindquarters. Presents a super profile both standing and moving. Clean driving action from strong hocks and at one with handler. A close contender.
3. Freer’s Switherland Distant Image. R/W who appeals greatly in overall outline with much to admire in all departments. Masculine head, superbly moulded with correct shape of skull. Beautiful well-set ears with curl. Excels in length of neck and front assembly and has pleasing forechest, ribbing, topline and tail-set. Shapely, muscular quarters producing rear drive. The best is yet to come from this super hound. Just felt he needs more time to complete the picture.

Best Puppy in Show
Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 1 abs)
1. Blevin’s Rachel Lady Barnetts At Blevwill. Black blanket tri, just 6 months, charming and feminine and soundly grown. Excellent for type and very well put together, presenting a super profile from all angles and all in proportion. Well-sculptured head, good clear eye and melting expression. Well set ears of pleasing length and with curl. Front assembly is excellent with well developed forechest for age. She stands on quality of bone and has tight feet. She is well-ribbed with a firm topline and loin leading to well set tail. Her rump is well developed with strong parallel hocks. On the move shows purpose and confidence putting best foot forward to please her handler. Am sure we will hear more of her and I’ll follow her show career with great interest.
2. Meldrum & Tennyson’s Malrich Sex In The City At Rumbleton. Another delightful baby, R/W, aged 6 months and scoring in overall quality and breed characteristics and close up to winner. Typical head, feminine outlook and soft expression from clean eyes. Correct ear set and leathers of good length with curl. Pleasing front assembly, super pro-sterum, muscular neck, ribs carried well back and short strong loin. Sound and free on the move with pleasing side gait, wanting to please her handler. Another one to watch.
Puppy Bitch (4, 1 abs)
1. Green’s Sniffbox Maddie With Braithwell. Super quality youngster, R/W of 10 months who is houndy and overall appearance balanced and substantial, yet retaining femininity. She possesses an abundance of great promise in conformation and breed qualities. Beautiful in head and eye with totally soft and gentle expression. Her front assembly is well developed with good forechest, tight elbows and correct neat leg bones and bunched feet. Strong, level topline, ribs of good length and well angulated quarters. Moved effortlessly and with purpose to win this strong class. Shall follow her progress with interest.
2. Spibey’s Sniffbox Georgie Girl. Another charming R/W youngster who I see is litter sister to winner and many similar comments apply. Maturing along pleasing lines, she has many breed specific qualities to admire. Liked her head proportions, graceful long neck, good occiput, and gentle expression from clean eyes. Strong bone, obvious pro-sternum, and correct front fitting nicely into the crook. Ribs of good length carried well back to strong loin. Moved out well. Unlucky to meet sister who is a little more finished at this stage of growth.
3. Scott’s Bassbarr Witchcraft. Attractive tri with feminine head, elegant neck, pleasing shoulders and tight front. Pleasing breed type and qualities and presents a desired profile on the stack and completing a lovely trio. Pity she had a different handler as she was rather unsure and not on her best behaviour!
Junior Bitch (2)
1. Ledward, King & Servais’ New Bellecombe Ultramarine (Imp). Beautifully presented, elegant and stylish bitch who caught my eye and is an absolute joy to examine closely as she possesses breed qualities in abundance and when more mature will trouble the best. A very honest hound, excelling in profile with desired length and angulation. Prominent forechest, elegant neck and very feminine nicely modelled head and gentle expression from dark, clean eyes. Strong bone, ribs of pleasing length extending well back. Well made in forequarters and has muscular, shapely rear with good bend of stifle. Moved out with purpose and drive at one with handler. Considered for top honours. Her day will surely come!
2. Scott’s Miss Moscotty. R/W of quality with pleasing profile and desired qualities. Lovely head proportions, clean eye, feminine outlook and gentle expression. Obvious pro-sternum, strong bone and correct front fitting nicely into the crook. Honest hound without exaggeration who has breed character in abundance and moved out confidently with drive. Holding her topline and gaiting freely and soundly in harmony with handler.
Post Graduate Bitch (5)
Hotly contested class.
1. Robinson’s Switherland Love To Gossip. Ultra-feminine hound, 21 months, with many breed specific attributes to admire. Like her head shape which is smoothly domed with little stop, clean dark eyes with sweetest gentle expression. Well constructed overall presenting a super profile from all angles both standing and moving. Lovely crest of neck into desired shoulder placement. Presented in superb coat and condition, firm rear and lovely tailset. Moved out soundly and with style in harmony with handler who expertly encouraged her to show her many attributes to advantage in this strong class.
2. Seddon’s Woferlow Christabel. Another eye-catching hound, 18 months, presenting an excellent profile with everything in proportion and of super breed type. Feminine outlook, head and eyes of quality, lovely expression, strong front, desired pro-sternum and long, smooth ribcage. Angulation very pleasing and displays many qualities of class winner. A close decision.
3. Pearson’s Malrich Katherine At Armardio. Completing a trio of quality bitches who could easily change places. Mature 2 year old rich R/W excelling in overall conformation and of pleasing type. Scores in head shape of desired proportions, well set ears of nice length. She presents an overall profile of balance and femininity yet substance. Moved well showing extension in front and drive from behind.
Limit Bitch (5)
A really strong class making for some close decisions on my part.
1. Watkins’ Blackvein Havoc. A 2 year old of quality, well constructed overall and full of breed type and desired characteristics. Presents a most attractive side profile with desired length and body proportions. Has houndy demeanour, strong bones and substance to work all day yet retains feminine outlook. Pleasing head properties, soft, calm expression, long leathers and graceful arched neck. Well laid shoulders, ribbed well back, firm in topline and with nicely angled quarters of good width. Moved with a sound, free-striding action, enjoying herself and wishing to please her handler. Delighted to award her Bitch CC and Best in Show.
2. Seddon’s Sedonia Dawn Treader. R/W bitch, almost 2 years with much to admire and who pushed the winner hard. Liked her overall body shape and breed specific qualities. Admired her head, eye and expression, pleasing earset and length of leathers. Reachy neck, sound front, prominent sternum, pleasing length to ribcage and powerful, well-angulated quarters. Moving soundly and handled sympathetically to show her many attributes to advantage.
3. Danel’s Blackvein Hasty At Bazbourne. Striding out confidently and really covering the ground this attractive 2 year old left me in no doubt that she could work in the field all day. Admired her head, eye and expression giving feminine outlook. Has strong front, desired pro-sternum, reachy neck and long, smooth ribcage. Muscular rear quarters, pleasing tail carriage and holding her topline on the move.
Completing a trio of lovely bitches.

Bitch CC, Res.Bitch CC & Best Puppy Bitch
Open Bitch (5, 1 abs)
Close decisions in this strong class.
1. Cudlip’s Ch. Blevwils Free ‘N’ Easy At Harvidene. Top drawer bitch, two and a half years, who caught my eye and did not disappoint as there is plenty to admire about this well-proportioned, honest and feminine exhibit so full of breed type and qualities. Has a well-balanced head of desired shape, clean expressive eye and good length to leathers. Neck is elegant, arched and reachy and flows smoothly into well placed shoulders. She has plenty of length of ribbing with desired topline and well set stern. Powerful, shapely, muscular quarters with correct moderate angulation and strong parallel hocks. Moved out well and positively, both ways, in harmony with handler. A most worthy Champion. Reserve Bitch CC.
2. Akindinova’s Bel. Lith. Rus. Ch. Switherland Simply Dutch. The best is yet to come from this glamorous and eye-catching girl who has much to admire in all departments. Excellent in head and skull properties with a super clean eye and melting expression. Ears are curled and set correctly. She scores in her reachy, arched neck flowing into a front assembly of merit. Correct topline leading to a well set stern. Her ribbing is good with pleasing underline. Superbly presented and expertly handled to portray her many breed qualities to advantage. Shall follow her career with interest.
3. Blevins’ Blevwils Gonna Getya. Another elegant and very well constructed bitch of excellent type. Lovely head and soft expression from clean eye framed by long, curled leathers. Well-bodied with good bone and tight feet. A nicely balanced feminine girl with pleasing shoulders and rear quarters. Pronounced forechest and correct front and well padded tight feet and elbows well tucked in. Good bend of stifle and neat low hocks. Covered the ground with ease.

Best in Show & Reserve Best in Show
Special Beginners Bitch (1)
1. Meldrum & Tennyson's Malrich Sex In The City At Rumbleton.
Veteran Bitch (2, 1 abs)

Best Veteran in Show
1. Feetham’s Ir. Ch. Kimbleholme Make A Wish. Could hardly believe this grand old lady was 11 years old! Of very decent breed type, she is an absolute credit and a very honest and well constructed bitch who was beautifully presented and moved as one in harmony with her handler. Loved her well-modelled head, expressive eye, framed by lovely, supple and curled leathers. Prominent forechest, good long length of rib and shapely quarters. Held topline well as she gaited powerfully and positively round the ring – a joy to watch. Pleasure to award her Best Veteran in Show.
Pamela Mottershaw - Judge
Basset Hound Club of Scotland
Fun Day 7th September 2014
The Basset Hound Club of Scotland held its annual Fun Day on Sunday 7th September and was, as usual, fun and funny. This event is held mainly for pet owners who do not show their Bassets, who can have some fun and exchange Basset conversation with other pet owners. There were nine well filled classes and a hilarious photo/caption competition. Judge for the day was Sandra Caldow (Livlandean), who breeds and shows German Spitz.

Judge Sandra Caldow with Club Chairman Tom Johnston
All class winners were presented with a trophy and all who were placed, a rosette. It was so nice to see so many “oldies” still fit and fun loving, and taking part. Everyone who entered in the classes got both human and doggy goodies.

The six best legs class had 21 Bassets and handlers in it, so that was 126 legs to be judged – no mean “feet”! The fancy dress competition theme was The Commonwealth Games and here, owners to be applauded for their ideas. There were event related “athletes”, Team Scotland representatives and Opening Ceremony displays – all were happy to be dressed up and each “competitor” received a GOLD medal, the winner also receiving a trophy.

There was a break for afternoon tea when the photographic competition was judged and thanks must go to those who took the time to think up some brilliant captions.

Sausage almost at the dog!!!
The sausage catching class had every dog take part – it was a bit of a squash, but we managed.

This is such a funny-to-watch class as all Bassets’ eyes are on the judge (sausage thrower). You’ll never see a Basset, at a show, looking at a judge like this!
No one left without a rosette and I believe we all went home tired but happy having had a great get-together, once again.
Basset Hound Club of Scotland
Open Show 23rd March 2014

Best Puppy Res. Best in Show Best in Show Best Veteran
I would like to thank the Officers & Committee for asking me to judge my 1st Basset breed club show, also the exhibitors for giving me such a good entry. It was a pleasure to go over so many nice dogs. As for the breed I found the health good with no skin problems or bad bites.
Puppy Dog. 2. 1 abs,
1st Cudlip's Bassbarr Bedazzled, 6mths broken tri, lovely head and expression ears set correct, strong neck leading into well placed shoulders, good front, well boned with nice tight feet, good length of ribbing with a level topline, strong quarters with good tail carriage, when he settled moved true both front and rear, BPD & BPIS.

Best Puppy in Show
Junior Dog. 1, 0 abs,
1st Johnston's Burnvale Ringmaster, 14mths broken tri, one I liked a lot, nice outline when stood, masculine head, powerful neck, good shoulders and nice shaped tight front, strong boned with well padded feet, well muscled hide quarters and tail carried well, level topline but it was a shame he was a bit unsettled on the move.
Novice Dog. 2, 1 abs,
1st Brennan's Burnvale Vincenzo, 7½ yrs R/W, pleasing head with nice shaped eyes, good reach of neck, nice shoulders, strong bone and well ribbed, when on the move he kept a good shape and held a nice topline, just wish he had been in the challenge for the best veteran.
Undergraduate Dog. 2, 0 abs
1st Johnston's Burnvale Enrico, 6yrs black blanketed tri, nice head and eyes with ears set on nicely, good front and well sprung ribs with correct ground clearance, whilst on the move he kept a level topline pushing out from the rear, moving true both ways
2nd Brennan's Burnvale Vincenzo.
Post Graduate Dog. 2, 0 abs
1st Gibson's Badina Blackjack, 3yrs black blanketed tri, nice head & dark eye, good reach of neck, long well sprung ribcage and kept a level topline on the move carrying his tail well, nice dog.
2nd Brennan's Burnvale Vincenzo.
Limit Dog. 4, 1 abs
1st Johnston's - Burnvale Quantum, 2yrs R/W, strong head with nice shaped eye going into a long neck with well placed shoulders, nice feet, smooth ribs reaching well back, level topline leading into well muscled quarters, has very nice outline which he kept when he's on the move.
2nd Mitchell’s Rakefoot Dr Fu for Lepiquir, 2½ yrs R/W, pleasing head, nice shoulders, good front, well boned, moved well keeping his topline at all times.
3rd Gibson’s Badina Aces High, tri, good head nice dark eye, ears placed correct, strong neck, ribs long, moved true with drive.
Open Dog. 3, 0 abs
1st Blevin's Blevwil Forest Gump, 2yrs tri, handsome masculine head nice shaped dark eye, ears well set on with good curl, neck powerful with good arch going into strong well placed shoulders, well boned with tight well padded feet, good front with well sprung ribs extending well back with a level topline, strong hindquarters with tail carried just right, move true and with ease. BD & BIS

Best in Show
2nd Cudlip's Bassbarr Ivan Idea, 5yrs black blanketed tri, head very nice, well arched neck into good shoulders, nice well shaped front, moved true and kept a level topline whilst on the move. Res BD
3rd Blevin's Ir.Ch Blevwils Limited Edition, 5yrs R/W, another nice dog, pleasing head, good front, well boned with nice tight feet, level topline held on the move.
Special Beginners Dog. 1, 0 abs
1st Brennan's Burnvale Vincenzo.
Puppy Bitch. 1, 0 abs
1st Cudlip's Bassbarr Bewitched, 6mths tri, very feminine ears with nice curl, neck long with arch going into well placed shoulders, lovely front, good bone with nicely bunched tight feet, well shaped ribs carried well back with a level topline, good quarters with correct tail carriage, moved around the ring with ease. BPB
Junior Bitch 2, 1 abs
1st Johnston's Burnvale Regal Images, 14mths tri, feminine head, elegant neck, nice shoulders and a good tight front, well boned with tight feet, good hind quarters and tail set on well, level topline moved true both ways and nice outline when stacked,
Novice Bitch. 3, 3 abs
Undergraduate Bitch. 3, 2 abs
1st Johnston's Burnvale Lady Sadie, 3½yrs black blanketed tri, pretty bitch nice head, soft curling ears, good front, level topline kept on the move, was a bit unsure and didn't lift her tail.
Post Graduate Bitch. 3, 0abs
1st Gibson's Badina Pokerface, 3yrs tri, nice expression, enough reach of neck, good front, enough bone with good feet, well sprung ribs carrying a level topline, strong quarters which enabled her to moved well,
2nd Johnston's Burnvale Noisette, 3yrs dark tri, feminine head with good bone and tight feet, nice front, good ribs of a nice length, moved ok just wish she had lifted her tail to give a better outline.
3rd Walker's Whinneywood Royal Jewel, 7½yrs tri, pretty head, top line ok, showing her age on the move going around at her own pace.
Limit Bitch. 6, 2abs
1st Blevin's Blevwils Gonna Getya, 22mths dark broken tri, very feminine head, nice reach of neck, good shoulders and well filled in front, having well sprung ribs of good length, well muscled quarters with her tail carried nicely, moved with ease and drive, Res BB.
2nd Johnston's Badina Royal Flush Over Burnvale, 3yrs tri, nice head and eye, with a good front and ribs, nice quarters, wish she had put more drive into her movement but still a very nice bitch.
3rd Cudlip's Harvidene Her Majesty, 2yrs R/W, larger type, but still a very pleasing bitch, with a nice soft expression, correct front, when on the move she held a nice topline but was reluctant to lift her tail which spoilt her shape.
Open Bitch. 7, 2abs
1st Cudlip's Blevwils Free N' Easy at Harvidene, 2yrs light tri, lovely head with well set on ears, neck of good length into well placed shoulders, good front and well boned with nice tight feet, nice smooth well sprung ribs in to strong quarters, moving true and with ease holding a level topline at all times, really liked her. BB & Res BIS

Reserve Best in Show
2nd Johnston's Burnvale Zafirah, 6½yrs black tri, nice head, strong neck, front ok carrying a level topline, when going round the ring she moved with ease.
3rd Mitchell's Rakefoot Madame Butterfly, 5½yrs R/W, head ok, moved ok, unable to do full write up as owner left the ring before I could do one.
Special Beginners Bitch. 3, 2abs
1st Miller's Brecon's Tia, 4yrs tri, taller narrower type with lighter bone, moved ok with a level topline, enjoyed her day out.
Veteran D/B. 4, 2abs
1st Mitchell's Rakefoot Milky Way, 11yrs R/W, pretty head, nice shoulders, well sprung ribs with a level topline, out moved 2nd even though giving 4½yrs away BVIS
2nd Walker's Whinneywood Royal Jewel.
Judge : Kevin P Hirst (Kejana)