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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 08/01/2015.
Accent on Orff September Training Glasgow
18 August 2011


A weekend course in music teaching.


Sat. 17h & Sun. 18th September 2011.


Royal Scottish Academy

of Music and Drama

100 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G2 3DB.


In this workshop didactic models to lead in a class or any other music groups with children or adults will be presented:

Simple children’s games and songs from different cultures that, apart from learning about different children cultures, can open doors to many educative exercises and creative approaches.

Exploring the form CANON with different approaches; listening, singing, moving and drawing. Does the listening motivate us to draw patterns? Do we see any movement in the patterns we drew? Might that be our inspiration for creating movement, or to create sounds or songs?

Orff Orchestra”. Considerations about an ideal process of creating pieces of our own as well as teaching simple pieces from different cultures, arranged for xylophones and percussive instruments.

Active music listening through different senses such as movement, touch, vocals, vision, objects…

More information on Orff Scotland website:

FEES: £95

Orff Scotland members £80,

Students £45, RSAMD students, free.

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