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Invitation from Julia Nelson, Chair of Artsplay Highland
17 February 2011

 Do you fear that children's arts are easily sidelined?

Do you agree that art for children is not a luxury?




We would value your attendance at an event we are planning on 6 April 2011, as part of Music Trains 2011, which will focus attention on the importance of the arts in the lives of children and young people and explore how we can maintain and develop arts opportunities for them. The aim is to stimulate discussion on this important issue, particularly at a time when financial cuts threaten to stifle activities which may be considered 'optional'. The event is being organised by Artsplay Highland in association with Action for Children's Arts.

Artsplay Highland has worked for the last eight years to bring together artists with children and young people and childcare and education staff. These activities have helped to create stories, artwork, drama, music, provided hands-on training for practitioners and developed artists' skills in working with children and young people. More information is on our website

Action for Children's Arts is a UK wide group led by artists which campaigns for the rights of all children to experience high quality arts experiences as an integral part of their childhood. More details are at

Both of our organisations want to see the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's Article 31 become a reality: that every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

We are inviting children and young people, artists, childcare and education practitioners, policy-makers from education, health and the arts sectors to come along to express their views and share ideas on how we can ensure that access to the arts for our young people is improved, not diminished. But this isn't just a talking shop! Your thoughts will be captured and used to encourage politicians and practitioners to grasp the opportunities they have to enrich children's lives.

The event will be held on Wednesday 6 April 2011, between 4.30 and 6.30pm at Bishop's Palace, Eden Court, Inverness and will be led by Vicky Ireland from Action for Children's Arts. We hope you will be able to join us and look forward to hearing from you. If you would like more information before replying, please contact:

Spaces are limited for this event -it is free.


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