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More about Action for Children's Arts
10 October 2010

We are connected to Action for Children's Arts for the next three years with an aim to raise the profile of the importance of the arts to children age twelve and under.

We will also be encouraging organisations and individuals to join ACA to support  our joint philosophies about the arts. 

From their website:

"Action for Children’s Arts is a national charity and membership organisation which holds at its heart Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child:

Every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

ACA aims to support these rights in three key ways. 

By campaigning for the right of all children in the UK to experience high quality arts experiences as an integral part of their childhood

By connecting people within and across the cultural and education sectors, across art-forms and across the regions and nations of the UK

By celebrating achievement, dedication and best practice in artistic activity for and with children.

ACA believes much more needs to be done to meet the ambitions stated in Article 31, and to this end, it launched a Manifesto for Children’s Arts in July 2008"

Look out for our campaign across the Highlands and Islands over the coming months. There has never been a more important time to support arts education and provision for under twelves.


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