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Foraged art course at Cromarty Stables 13-14th October.
A 2 day workshop where we'll be going through a range of processes to identify, process and work with materials we can sustainably forage locally to create high quality art media.
I've just been out and about round Cromarty Estate to find things we can use in the October workshop. There's some fallen birch so birch tar and charcoal is on the list. Theres quite a quantity of Ganaderma Applanatum also known as the Artist's Conk, a self contained artists tool that can be made into a high quality permanent image with a stick or even fingers.
There's cherry gum oozing out from some damaged trees that we can use as a binder for pigments and a promising lichen in St. Regulus's graveyard.
Cudbear, makes a great purple (eventually!)
We'll also be dipping into my supplies of parchment, oak galls and other interesting things that we may not find on the day.
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