Cold Ashby Parish Council has reluctantly increased the precept (the financial support it receives from the County Council).
Not before time in the Rambler's view!
Please see the piece from the Parish Council's website inserted below:
The financial position of the Council is sound and every care is taken when spending public funds. Our aim is to balance the budget and keep our element of your Council Tax to a minimum.
For the first time in many years Cold Ashby Parish Council has increased the precept due to rising costs, during the time Cold Ashby have held the precept the average precept in Northamptonshire has increased by over 40%. We are acutely aware that times are difficult and recognise our residents are facing challenges. We are reluctantly increasing the precept after exploring how we could stretch the current precept.
Below are some of the areas we spend the money we receive on:
- Street Lighting
- Cemetery upkeep
- General maintenance in the village
- Grass cutting and hedge maintenance
- Defibrillator
- Grants (e.g public events)