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The Cold Ashby Rambler
Putting Cold Ashby on the Map!
About 'The Rambler'
The Cold Ashby Rambler was 15years old on 14th April 2024!

Below is an edited version of an article which appeared in Cold Ashby Newsletter, Countrylife, vol.5, issue 1.
‘The Cold Ashby Rambler’ website was set up in April 2009, initially to provide a detailed, illustrated guide to the many excellent walking routes provided by footpaths, bridleways and lanes in our delightful, surrounding landscape. These had become increasingly familiar to me during my years as Parish Path Warden.
The original Walks Page proved more popular than expected and the Local History Page, a later addition, also received many visits. I continue to develop both.
Local news, coming events, comments and articles of local interest, together with links to other relevant websites (including that of the Parish Council), have also been incorporated.
Thus, the ‘Rambler’ has evolved into an ‘on-line magazine’ promoting Cold Ashby and its attractions, whilst also providing a forum for discussion of local issues and concerns.
The ‘Rambler’ is non-commercial and, since an upgrade, carries no distracting advertising. It is merely a ‘hobby’ - but an increasingly absorbing one which, hopefully, is enjoyable and useful to others.
Suggestions and information will always be welcomed. Why not browse the site and, if you choose, leave the ‘Rambler’ a message?