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These videos bring to life the energy that is created as I talk about and live my values. Jack Whitehead 1999 identified the 'use ... multi-media narratives to communicate the explanatory flows of life-affirming energy'. As you watch these videos I hope you can see the energy that is created and I would love to hear about how you experienced the videos, so please leave a comment on the feedback page.

This video shows me talking about why participation is important to me, how I have used participation to empower young carers and why it excites me.


This video shows me talking about my values with Jack Whitehead and Marie Huxtable

This video shows Jack talking about the values, energy and love for my work that he has seen me express in videos and when he has worked with me with the young carers. I find this very validating of the work I do and that Jack can see that my lived experiences throughout my life have been key in developing this. We also have a discussion about gender bias where Jack and I (and Marie) see things differently.


As I get up to speak each time I say something I am particularly proud I use my hands to emphasise my point.   I like my lack of polished presentation where I am checking who is speaking next. At the end I am really moved by the presentations and want to include those that didn’t present.


Megan wanted to emphasise the pros and cons of the project. The young carers had criticisms of the project and they wanted these to be heard. However I feel it is powerful what Megan says about how she had discovered parts f herself she didn’t know she had and a passion she hadn’t had before. Megan is very aware of the social context of the project. Meg is also very positive after every criticism and fair about her criticisms. 


Katy is very fluent and confident in her presentation and makes her points clearly and clarifies why the book and project was so important. I like her humour about forgetting her book. I like her description of the increase in respect for each other and each others work and the co-operation they had with each other. Katy summarises the ability to have personal expression and the things that are important to each person and the opportunity to gain a greater insight into each other.


Seb is really nervous and you can hear it in his voice but as he overcomes this he gives a really moving speech. He shows a deep insight into how the project allowed a deep insight. As he talks about the project in terms of a mother choosing their favourite child you can feel the audience emotional response. You can see the lady turn and comment on that analogy. You can feel the audience response with the lengthened applause. I was incredibly moved and felt that Seb was gaining support from me as he glanced at me and caught eye contact. 


Luke doesn’t use any notes and as he said he would is moved by the moment and is creative in his responses and summary of the project.

Young Carers Festival 2010 - the next 4 videos are really loud, I advise turning your volume down.

These videos are after a weekend at the Young Carers Festival. This is after the final celebrations are over and the band is playing a few final songs. All the other groups have gone to pack up and have lunch, but our group decides to stay and dance.

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Dancing 1
I love the energy everyone has and that the young carers are all joining in. I love dancing and it captures me really enjoying myself with the young carers after a brilliant weekend. The amazing thing is that we had not had much sleep and our energy levels were very low, but all of us together decided to dance despite this. I like the way Leeanne stops and is watching and then she starts dancing again. I feel really proud of my staff. Corinne is really enjoying herself and there’s a great moment at 56 seconds where her and Maxine have huge smiles and then go on to give each other a hug, you don’t quite see what happened but there is a shared experience. At 1.09 you capture Alistair and Corinne encouraging Toby to join in and laughing. Alistair had been brilliant all weekend at getting the younger boys to join in and have a fun weekend. Toby’s mum had text me at the beginning of the weekend saying Toby hadn’t wanted to go but she had sent him off knowing he would have a good time.
42 seconds shows me with a big smile and sums up the atmosphere the energy and the love for my job and the young people I work with.
Dancing 2 
At 1.10 you see our whole group. I like this clip as it shows me going round and encouraging all the young carers who aren’t dancing to dance. I just go round and dance with them quickly working my way round those that aren’t dancing. You then see they feel included and join in after I have left them. 1.30 you can really see my enjoyment at dancing with the young carers that haven’t been joining in beforehand. Then at 1.33 you can see the feeling is shared as Charlotte has a big smile on her face.
There are so many moments as you scroll through where the young carers have real joy in their faces. 
 I also like that at the end the camera starts shaking as Kelly a young carer who is filming starts to join in and dance.
At 3.15 the last moment I have my arms in the air and really show the pleasure of being in that moment.
Dancing 3
This is just a short clip but you can see our enthusiasm has been infectious and other young carers have begun to join in 
Dancing 4 
We are all a bit more tired here, but we are still finding the energy to carry on. I have phoned Steve by this point and asked him to bring water as we are all getting hot and dehydrated. Steve had been saying we should go back as they had lunch at the tents but I had said he should come down with water and bring anyone that’s at the tents as there was plenty of time for lunch but this is the only opportunity to dance to the last songs the band played.
At 32 seconds you see me dancing round to make sure all the young carers drink some water and the gratitude they have for the water. At 25 seconds you can see I am still really enjoying the moment.
You can then see Steve really enjoying himself. At 1.07 Steve and I just give each other a high 5 and you can see Chris laughing as we do. This starts a really impulsive batch of high 5’s with the young carers as I go round at 1.16 you can see the joy as I go up to Kelly with the camera to give her a high 5
My Influence as a CEO
Andy Part 1
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