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Cairngorms 9th & 10th January 2010
12 January 2010

Catriona Morrison and Nigel Scriven went up to the Cairngorms on Friday, managing a couple of hours on the Rothiemurchus trails from Coylumbridge on track skis in the fading afternoon light, finishing by torchlight after a magical sunset. The snow was still thigh deep, and had been topped up from the previous weekend.

With a further 3 inches of fresh snow on the Saturday morning, the 6 mile traffic jam on the ski road was avoided by digging out a parking space at Lynwilg. We skinned up the Burma Road to Geal-charn Mor on mountain telemark skis. The views were fantastic, but it was very cold at the top. The ski down was excellent, although the snow varied in firmness, it was very deep and dry.

Prospective members Magda & Lewis joined us in the Aviemore YoHo for Saturday night. The ski road was clear in the morning so we could park at Glenmore visitor centre on the Sunday morning. Lewis went alpine on the piste, but Nigel, Catriona and Magda skinned up to Ryvoan in the sunshine. From here we slogged up Meall a'Bhuacaille summit where it was bitterly cold, but well worth it for the superb ski down westwards to the saddle; Catriona on Nordic gear, and Nigel and Magda on ski-mountaineering gear. It was so good we went on up Creagan Mor and back down through the forest all the way to the car park.

Conditions don't get any better than this, even in Norway or the Alps. There is so much snow, it will stay for a week or two yet, so get out there and enjoy it while it lasts.

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