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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 18/11/2017.
Annual Fun Day 2007
09 September 2007

This year’s Fun day was attended by approx 60 Bassets, ranging from 12 weeks to 14 years of age, accompanied by around 90 humans. There were also 3 honorary Bassets – 1 Bulldog, 1 Shih Tsu and 1 cross breed. The usual chaos ensued with huge entries in all classes. All dogs left with a rosette and an edible prize, although this was usually consumed on the spot, which is only to be expected with Bassets. The fancy dress, the theme of which this year, was Harry Potter, was great fun. The winner, Gwen Austin with Millie dressed as the nasty master of Slitherin, was excellent and carried off her assumed role perfectly. She looked down her nose at everyone!!! All participants are to be congratulated on amazing efforts in this class. The Childrens’ handling, the biggest class of the day, with tooth rotting prizes for the children, and hide chews for the dogs, went to first time handler Christopher Burns with Murdo.

Christopher with Murdo and Mum.

In the Six Best Legs class, our own Committee member Jennifer Jeffrey, bravely tucked up her skirt and showed a good muscle or two and went off with a second prize. Dying to see the photos of that one. The ever popular sausage catching competition was deservedly won by Captain Bertie (that’s the dog) handled by Graeme Brennan – his first time at this event. All the other classes were brilliant and our judge for the day Astrid Ogilvie (of Pakov Pomeranians) did an excellent, if difficult job. She says she actually enjoyed it!!    Sandra Johnston, as usual, carried out the stewarding duties with an obligatory loud voice and probably suffered for it next morning. Our wonderful helper, Lorna Simpson, spent the whole day in the kitchen, most of it on her own, doing an exceptional job. We all enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea with lots of home baking supplied by the Committee and friends. Families out for a day of fun with their pets, and not a cross work spoken, either by dogs or humans, was most congenial. My thanks to all of the Committee, helpers, members, non-members and prospective owners who attended and made this, as usual, a really good day out.

A view of the Youngsters Parade. 

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