
Austerfield Parish Council Members

Austerfield Parish Council comprises of 5 members of the community who are committed to the well-being of Austerfield.  The Councillors give their time, effort and resources without financial reward. They serve and make decisions on behalf of the village and aim to keep everyone informed about important issues and on-going projects.

Please find below contact details for the members of Austerfield Parish Council:

Chair: Mrs Lesley Cox 

1 Church Lane Austerfield Doncaster DN10 6QY

01302 719538


Vice Chair: Mr John Goodall

Milners Farm High Street Austerfield DN10 6QU

01302 710448


Councillor: Mr Chris Beckett

Autumn Lodge High Street Austerfield Doncaster DN10 6QU

01302 719732


Councillor: Mr Alan Bryan-Peach

1 William Bradford Close Austerfield Doncaster DN10 6RB


Clerk to the Council: Mrs Sarah Youngman

07922 140559
















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