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About us

This site was set up in June 2020 by myself, Peter Alexander MA. I studied English and later Heritage Management at Bangor University.  I worked in education for the National Trust at Penrhyn Castle,  Gwynedd and as Curatorial Manager for Denbighshire between 2009 and 2012, afterwards becoming a freelance heritage consultant.

I have worked on Collections Management, Accreditation and Education projects throughout the UK, including designing and writing the Rail and Remembrance Exhibition at the People's History Museum, Manchester in 2014, working on community heritage in the Far Gosford Street Community Heritage Project in Coventry in 2015 and on the history of Wales and Slavery in the Welsh Plains Project 2018 - 19.

My MA was on the subject of the interpretation of the heritage of the Welsh Slate Industry.  This included Penrhyn Castle and other sites linked to Welsh estates.  Looking back on that study, I find it remarkable now, how little interpretation there was on  any site of the links these sites had to Black History, particularly the history of the Slave Trade and the West Indian plantations, where the original capital for developments in the industry - and many other Welsh industries  - came from.  Looking back, I realise I was also guilty of not looking closer as this omission.

It is important to realise these links and the work of organisations to re-examine the interpretation of the history of our nation in the modern world.

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