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This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.
Aw - blow the weather!
13 September 2011

As we saw last year, hardy Glaswegians and real gardeners didn't mind about the weather when we opened our gates to welcome visitors for the first time.

We were encouraged by the number of families who showed interest and by how many youngsters made their own way to see what it was all about - so many budding allotmenteers in the offing!

We shared gardening tips, tea, cake and many a good laugh and some took a trip down memory lane to revisit plots run previously by friends or family members.  Several visitors are on our (very long) waiting list and came to see which plot might be theirs one day and several more visitors added their names to theat list.

It was our first real link with our local community and we look forward to building on this again and into the future, so come along and join in the fun.

See you there!


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